I've been wanting to buy a pollen box, aka kief catching box but don't really want to spend the money so I made this fairly adequate one at home for free. I just cut the bottom 8 inches off a pair of nylons and slipped it over a mason jar full of shake and screwed the metal ring on to hold it in place. I also put in a couple of pink kids erasers for agitators. When shaken over a metal pan a generous amount of kief came out. I then scraped it up with a rolodex card and was ready to smoke! PS-Sorry about the shitty lighting in my pics. It's nice golden kief but the pics don't do it justice.
Thanks! I was just reading Badkittysmikes recipes for edibles and canna oil with kief. I may have to give it a try...
[quote name='"PinkFloyd42o"'] Can you give me the link to this thread? [/quote] It's in the edibles forum as a sticky. Her recipes are more complex than the average GC firecracker recipe, but that's because they're done right, not easy. http://forum.grasscity.com/incredib...ve-glowing-hash-candy-canna-bombs-more-6.html