DIY Herb Grinder

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by PintSizeSlash3r, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hello everyone,

    I've been lurking on Grasscity for a bit now, and I finally made an account. I figured I would make my first post a how-to one! I don't have access to a head shop around here, so I have to do a lot of DIY. Anyway, on to the grinder! (Sorry, I didn't take pictures while I was making it, only when I finished)



    1. Find yourself a small, round tin. I used an empty Burt's Bees container

    2. A drill and screws

    3. Something to cut the screws. I used a bench grinder, but I think tin snips would work just as good if not better

    4. Preferably a hot glue gun, but some kind of adhesive to seal the screws

    How to do it!

    1. First you might want to clean off the screws. After all, they are going to be touching your precious mary jane.

    2. Use all of your lip balm and wash the tin

    3. Take your screws and put three or four along the outside edges of the top of the tin.


    4. Now screw in three or four screws more towards the inside of the bottom one.

    5. Put glue around the outsides of your screws so that they're sealed and the screws won't move around

    6. Cut off the ends of your screws (I'm going to post pics when I'm done doing that :p)

    7. Put your legal herbs (I'm a big fan of basil :rolleyes:) in to the grinder and twist!

    PS. This obviously isn't going to work as good as a real grinder, but it works pretty good

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