DIY Hash Tumbler

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by DosFish, Jul 26, 2023.


Tumbler design:

  1. Perforated Mesh

    0 vote(s)
  2. Threaded Rod

  1. #1 DosFish, Jul 26, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023

    I wanted to ask opinions on this tumbler I'm making.

    It is made from an empty carbon filter and 110 screen printing mesh. It has some plumbing pipe siliconed to the top to provide a threaded access cap. I will use a plastic tub as housing and BBQ rotiserie motor to turn the drum.

    Question: should I leave the perforated steel mesh in place, or take it out and replace with 4 threaded rods?

    The perforated mesh might help with break down of trics / buds?
    The threaded rods would help tighten the mesh by screwing the nuts making the end cap further apart.

    This is a picture of what I have so far (perforated mesh in place).

    Thanks DF

    Tumbler 3.jpg

    View attachment 3083717

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  2. #2 Vee, Jul 26, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
    here: seems pointless to have both unless its huge, I've seen many with just the rods, with ply ends and silkscreen mesh for the clothe, inside a bigass rubbermaid, but Im in Europe

    I think its @BrassNwood who uses a drill, bucket and mesh? to extract his trics maybe pics someplace

    keep us posted with pics, links above don't work for me

    good luck
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I made roller once. I'd go with BrassNwoods Hashmaster.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. I would but I dont get Dry Ice in my small town. Its over an hour drive one way to nearest dry ice stockist.
  5. For my tumbler I used 100 mesh stainless steel screen. It doesn't need traction to hold it's shape although some kind of framework would probably be helpful. Will the rotisserie motor turn fast enough?

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