just thought I'd ask you blades to chime in on a thought I had, Im doing an experiment with dolemite pellitized lime a tbl per gallon of coco. so that aside I have other things going and I'm using botanicares cal mag. well I just ran out. now I'm schedued to hit the hydro store in a couple of days so I'm not to concerned and I'm not trying to be cheap, I just have this bag of dolemite lime staring at me. and I thought maybe I could make my on cal mag by saturating the lime with two parts water to one part lime, and then just use just like cal mag 5 to 7ml per gal. I could be way off so thought I'd ask for advice.
no ones chimmed in but u coon I think I'm going to go ahead and try it on one plant. I'll let you know how it goes.
Unsulphured Blackstrap molasses? Brer Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses Nutritional Information and Nutrition Facts: Serving Size: 1Tbsp. (21g). Servings per Container: About 24. Amount Per Serving: Calories - 60; Percentage Daily Values; Fat - 0g, 0%; Sodium - 65mg. 3%; Potassium - 800 mg. 23%; Total Carbohydrates - 13g, 4%; Sugars - 12g, Protein - 1g, Calcium - 2%; Iron 10%; Magnesium 15%; Not a significant source of calories from fat, sat. fat, cholesterol, fiber, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.
i ve heard some bad things on using dolomite lime with hydro and soiless mediums.the reason is it helps to neutrolize ph and hydro you dont need to. you need to keep it at 6 ish which is on the acidic side.
I am interested in this also, given that calmag suppliments don't even exist in hydro shops here. Cal-mag suppliments are made from magnesium and calcium nitrate. I gather a mix of the two would work, or a mix of calcium nitrate and magnesium sulphate (epsom salt). When looking at the label of Bonicare cal-mag it states 2-0-0 + 3.2% calcium 1.2% magnesium. What i don't understand is how they derive these numbers from mag/cal nitrate, when you consider each of them individually. Magnesium nitrate 10.5-0-0 + 9.4% Calcium nitrate 11.9-0-0 + 16.9% So adjusting these ingrediants to the same ratios as per the Bonicare supplement. Cal 2.3-0-0 + 3.2% Mag 1.3-0-0 + 1.2% Total = 3.6-0-0 + 3.2 + 1.2 So can someone figure out why the nitrogen in the bonicare is only at 2% in these ratios?
Just to revive this thread,, isn't there also chelated iron in cal/mag products? Not sure what that's for as the soil would usually have lots of iron. Maybe a binder of some sort. I found this article to be very informative sources of some common chemicals
i'll read later. plants need lots of iron if using ro water.try vitasand from petstore has everything calmags got "maybe not exact" plus vitamin b c and something else.
crushed oyster shell and epsom salt FTW! amount to use? I have no fking clue right now.. lol I believe 10:1 oyster shell : COCO and epsom salt dissolve in water and use as nute.
I wanted to make my own cal mag too. I was thinking Epsom salts for Mag. and egg shells for cal? How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells never made my own calcium but know a few holistic people that make it as a food supplement. In JC's hort. bible he recommends 200ppm of Cal. and 75ppm of MG. for cannabis plants. Not sure how that equals out to teaspoon or tablespoons. Thinking of trying to make the Cal from egg shells. Anyone ever try that?
your looking for a recipe for calcium carbonate from egg shells. It can either be dissolved with vinegar or toasted, or you can use efficient microbes to make the nutrient this is a waste of efficient microbes unless you have a great surplus. try kelp meal instead or try rock dust for top dressing. oyster shell and rock dust must be mixed in - its a mineral the roots have to touch to get the benefit
i also recommend putting the dolemite in water. then shake it up and water your plants. This is equivalent to many of the bottled cal mag supplements.