Hey Blades! Anyone out there make a DIY Box Mod? I've been thinking about getting a Microstick or a Gizmo mech mod because they are so tiny. I've got a mini Burst vv/vw mod that I use around the house, but I hate taking it out because people look at you like you're smoking a light-sabre. I want something small. The MicroStick is $130 and the Gizmo is fucking $145. I could afford both, but I can't justify spending that much on a mech mod. So, my only option is to make my own... I modeled mine after the MicroStick/Gizmo, but for a 20mm tank. I have a Kanger Tech Pro Tank II that I liked to use with it. I decided to make it a OKR-T10 regulated mod, so it'll go up to 6v and 50w. I bought a fire switch that has an awesome click and feel... and looks good too, but it's shaft is 3/4" deep. So, the mod is taller than it needs to be by about a half inch. It turns out a half inch is exactly how tall the lipo battery charger modules are... So, turning shit into lemonade, I decide to add a lipo charger to it too! I'm still waiting on a IRL3103PBF chip before I can finish it, but this is what it looks like so far... -Loki
This is what I want to get into. I want to use the new Yihi S50 V250 . Excellent mod dude. Idk if youre in any but facebook has a couple groups with people who make box mods. The one im in is really active and also has alot of responsive and helpful members. I haven't started building yet so I'd be of no help, just here to admire the work.
Thanks. This is my first attempt to build a mod, but it looks pretty straight forward. I hope it turns out. If it does, I'll have a 6 volt, 50 watt variable voltage stealth mod with a USB charger for about $40. That Yihi S50 V250 chip is pretty sweet, so is the DNA 30... Having a display would be pretty sweet. My mini Burst has a simple display, but I can use it to check coil resistance and battery power which really comes in handy. -Loki
Your welcome man, I want to go for my own build but alrwady have quite a few mods right now . Got some real nice Vw and VV mods too , Gi2 is my current favorite but I got a IPV3 and Cloupour T8 on the way. Love the output on them even though 100+ watts isn't needed. 40$ is not a bad price point at all! and you're doing a great job so far. Yea the Yihi is the most advanced chip out right now and they just announced the DNA40. Both chips will have temp control features !! as well as a lot of other things like handling lower resistances and higher output range. If you ever decide to build another box mod or any mod, try finding one of these chips. They even have resistance meters built in and thats just one of the many features.
The YiHi looks hackable... would be cool to put your mod in "flappy bird mode" and play games on it -Loki
Haha now there's an idea. Wouldn't be able to market it though because of the whole "ecigs are targeted toward our youth" that anti-vape / big tobacco are trying to push in order to force regulations on ecigs , making them easier to acquire while we still see children smoking cigarettes . Sorry for the rant , just hate the way they'll vilify ecigs .