Divine Out of Body Experience

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Wavelength, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Hello blades :wave:

    I made this thread to tell you about an event that changed my life.

    Three years ago I took some unmentionables and was lying in my bed with my laptop listening to live versions of Stairway to Heaven. I just remember lying down and then darkness, it was almost immediate. I felt myself rising out of my body and I felt two distinct rips, one vertical and then I kept going for a bit and then I felt like I was ripped into something horizontal - like I was being shelved. I was definitely out of my body, because I could not feel anything. There was no me, I could not see myself, I could not feel myself, I didn't even breathe. Everything around me was black, but it wasn't a lack-of-light-results-in-darkness type of thing, I didn't even try to see, it felt like I was encased in nothingness, and there was nothing TO see. This wasn't a negative thing, it felt like I was in a void. I would say void is a very accurate word to describe what I was in. But after I got shelved I heard a voice. But I didn't even hear it because there was no sound, it was more like words were being transmitted through my head. It wasn't like normal conversation, it felt more direct. And I didn't even question the words that he said, what was said felt more like information being transmitted into my brain, the reason why I say 'more direct' is because in normal conversation there's the words the other person is speaking, then you hearing and interpreting them, and then having your own emotional/mental responses to what was said and approval or disapproval. Even when its facts being spoken about, there is a processing of what that fact means. There was none of that with this. It was more of a telepathic feel, because there was nothing and noone around me, but there was a definite voice and presence that I heard and responded to in my head. I immediately recognized the voice as John Lennon, which was weird because I didn't hear anything but literally the same exact millisecond I heard the voice I also identified the voice as John Lennon's, which didn't feel like a conclusion of my own that I made, it felt like the information being transmitted into my head. He asked me what I was doing with my life and what my plans were and I told him. His response was something along the lines of "And what are you doing that for? You have a much greater calling." (At that time I was going to be a biologist because I'm good at biology, which was more of a decision of getting a high-paying job and becoming a normal person, getting married, having kids, etc.) And it seemed that the whole time deep deep deep down I knew that I had A greater calling (a greater calling than being a 'normal person' and not making much of a difference with your life) but at the same time had no fucking clue what to do. He said that music has departed from what it was originally intended to be, and that I have to bring it back to that. I have to rediscover the essence of music and make meaningful music. I don't remember what EXACTLY he said here, but he said something like as long as you make meaningful music your endeavors will be successful and there was an implication of protection (and to be honest, I do feel like I'm protected by something). Then I saw me looking through my eyes at a music venue that I assume was a local bar. There was no fading of settings either, from the void to the local bar. I was just in a blank void one second and then here another, it was instant. I wasn't in my body making my movements, my body was standing by a mic stand with mic in hand, I had no feeling or control of that. I could only look through my eyes. And I knew it was me, I mean I saw my hands anyway so I knew it was me, but as soon as I was there I knew it was me, without anything happening. It was like how I recognized John Lennon. I looked out into the crowd, unfamiliar faces, had never seen any of em, they were by round tables with a white tablecloth on top like those stereotypical 'table for two' romantic restaurant ones. Then I went into another performance at a different place. This continued for awhile and then I was taken to a map of florida (where I live). It was just a plain map, and then red dots were put on there. They were to mark where I had performed. As more of the performance flashbacks occured, every 5 or 6 of them, it would go back to the map and more red dots would be added. Soon red dots started appearing all over florida, then spreading into georgia and then the rest of the US. I returned to the void world of blankness and talked to John Lennon a little more (too bad I didn't get to ask any questions) and then suddenly had this thought 'It's time to go back now.' Those exact words. I said/thought them for no reason, it was completely random. I said it once, and then I said it again, and as I was saying it the second time, I realized what I was saying and went back to my body.

    That's what makes the communication thing so weird, when he was talking to me there was NO processing of it. He'd say something and there was no 'Yes' or 'No' or 'I agree' or 'Are you sure?' There was no response of mine whatsoever, my brain just took it in. Instantly. It was immediate acceptance, but there was no questioning of it in the first place to make it so that I had to approve/disapprove of it. That's why I said it was like transmittance of information.

    And with me returning to my body, when I thought It's time to go back now, that was the first time I had any independent thought or processing. I thought it, and then interpreted what It's time to go back now means. Now means at this very moment and going back entails going back where I came from, and where did I come from? All of this is what happens immediately after someone else speaks, its just our brains work so fast there are no perceivable steps to understand what someone else is saying, but obviously, there are steps. The where did I come from? was the last millisecond I was in the void, because the instant that I answered that question with 'My body!' I was back.

    I got up, my face was about 8 inches away from my laptop while Stairway to Heaven was on full blast. It didn't even finish, what felt like a 20-25 minute experience turned out to last 3-4, not even a full song. I had tripped about 15 times before this, but nothing ever felt nearly as real. The visuals were stuff that obviously could never happen, people bursting into confetti, a bat with a squirrel head crawling out of my retina and flying around the room, etc. Previously, no matter how hard I was tripping I could still differentiate between what I was seeing and what was actually there. Shit I would see would be so fantastical and surreal that you'd know you're just on some shit.

    This felt as real as life itself. Possibly even realer. And I'm not lying to you, three years after the fact this is still the most influential event of my life. After that I started really analyzing music and breaking it down, actively listening rather than passively enjoying. I started singing. Now, I have a tremendous vocal range and I sing all the time, get professional training for it to protect and maximize my voice, and I play guitar, bass, and synth (and this week I got myself a sax :)), all of which I'm making great progress in. I have no doubt that this will all work out for me, and this thread is actually to show people when I do get famous that I'm not bullshitting when I tell them all this.

    Since then, I've felt more positive about things, and I think differently due to a new interest in poetry and philosophy. I feel like I'm protected by some entity, and that I will have success in whatever I pursue because when I put myself to something I can do anything and I think that the gods help me along because they favor me or at least respect what I will stand for. I feel like I'm being led along a rope, and I have an idea where the rope will lead me to, but I'm only allowed to see the present so only the nearest part of the rope is visible to me. In other words, I feel like the gods are pushing me along in my quest by allowing me to see some things that I did right or things that need to be done as reinforcement that what I am doing is right. It's like a horse being led by a carrot a few inches in front of his mouth, only the purpose in my case isn't to be manipulated into a mode of transportation, it's (IMO) because *I* have to choose the path I take. Everything that must be done for my goals to be achieved must be done by me (duh), so ultimately the gods can only show me the door, it's up to me to open it and go inside.

    If anyone has any questions, I'd be glad to answer them.

    inb4 tl;dr
  2. That's an amazing experience, man. I really am a little jealous of others experiences that I read all the time that really are life changing/affirming. Based on the quick onset and duration of the trip, I have an idea as to what Divine unMenTionable you are referring to. It seems as though it has a mind of its own, and chooses by itself when I am ready to partake on another voyage.. so I'm only but so jealous :)

    Music, I think, is mankinds greatest evolutionary achievement. It is something that can be compared to any and all other forms of life, and fundamentally is life itself. Now compare that to spending countless hours locked in a book which has already been proven and recorded as fact. Thus there is no conjured emotion, no creativity, and mostly no enjoyment. I feel as though we've been dragged down this certain path of "education" that leads to nothing but dead end jobs and a dead end life. Music is never a dead end, it only ends when you put a cap on your creativity, and through these experiences your cup will runneth over.

    Good luck to you on your voyage
  3. That sounds awesome. Incredible experience. Just reading it I got the chills of enlightenment, something that says I have my own purpose and that we're all being led in some kind of way, either by ourselves or by our future, or some other crazy shit like that.

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