Hello again GC Im starting to grow tomato plants again heres the equipment : 3 600wHPS im going to be using a basic sun shade for all lights along with plug in ballast 2 5" carbon air filters ive got two 5" carbons with nice fans seeds are not yet decided but i will pick one of the following girl : bubba kush white rino bubble gum blue berry plain and simple indicas extra stuff: top max bio bloom digital thermometer damp proof mylar a few 0scillating fans perlight soil -havent picked yet big pots ph tester ph up+down theres lots more but all i can think of the plan is going to be 4or5 under each 600w ??? in the same room? this room has 1 door 1 winow so carbons will be center of room with outlet going thrpugh the winow and inlet through a 5 inch hole in the bottom of the door door and window are at either end of thre room. whats the most plant i could but under these 600ws and is this in-out air configuration going to work ?