Distorted Styles of Thinking

Discussion in 'General' started by Thaifoon90, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. 15 Distorted Ways of Thinking


    Filtering: You take the negative details and magnify them, while filtering out all positive aspects of a situation. A single detail may be picked out, and the whole event becomes colored by this detail. When you pull negative things out of context, isolated from all the good experiences around you, you make them larger and more awful than they really are.

    Polarized Thinking: The hallmark of this distortion is an insistence on dichotomous choices. Things are black or white, good or bad. You tend to perceive everything at the extremes, with very little room for a middle ground. The greatest danger in polarized thinking is its impact on how you judge yourself. For example-You have to be perfect or you're a failure.

    Overgeneralization: You come to a general conclusion based on a single incident or piece of evidence. If something bad happens once, you expect it to happen over and over again. 'Always' and 'never' are cues that this style of thinking is being utilized. This distortion can lead to a restricted life, as you avoid future failures based on the single incident or event.

    Mind Reading: Without their saying so, you know what people are feeling and why they act the way they do. In particular, you are able to divine how people are feeling toward you. Mind reading depends on a process called projection. You imagine that people feel the same way you do and react to things the same way you do. Therefore, you don't watch or listen carefully enough to notice that they are actually different. Mind readers jump to conclusions that are true for them, without checking whether they are true for the other person.

    Catastrophizing: You expect disaster. You notice or hear about a problem and start "what if's." What if that happens to me? What if tragedy strikes? There are no limits to a really fertile catastrophic imagination. An underlying catalyst for this style of thinking is that you do not trust in yourself and your capacity to adapt to change.

    Continued: Distorted Thinking | KratosGuide.com
  2. I think I might be guilty of all these

  3. :(. At least you recognize it.. I'm pretty sure everyone is guilty of at least a couple of them.
  4. all of them except the last one for me haha
  5. morning bump
  6. Guilty of a few. My therapist told me about them when I went. Pretty cool.
  7. Guilty. Of them all.
  8. I'm guilty of about 13 of them... unfortunately. Now I need to change them, haha.
  9. Well damn, Ill be too busy dealing with and correcting the first 5 you posted to even have time to read the other 10 yet.
  10. a fucking introspective on my crazy ass fucking mind. fuck:confused::confused:

  11. Me too man :(
  12. same here man its getting more and more prevalent
  13. Shit is only fucked up if you think it is.

    Me? Nah, my shit ain't fucked up.:cool:
  14. Same site...ways of thinking that would correct most of these..lol

  15. I used to have an numerous of these distorted styles of thinking but luckily I took a break then change my perspective to an more positive outlook and went back to blazing, since then life has been better. However, I do notice that females (not all) use Heaven’s Reward Fallacy, Fallacy of Change, Emotional Reasoning, etc. Psychology is such an interesting diverse topic.
  16. I'd say I filter sometimes. I overgeneralize a lot. And I'm a master catastrophizer. I don't have polarized thinking and I don't think I mind read, usually my problem is having no idea what other people are thinking lol.

  17. Nice :cool:
  18. I'm pretty sure every single one of us has thought patterns like this, but the intensity and the way you react to it is what makes the difference.

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