Disposing of the evidence.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Greggo94, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Ever had to dump everything because of police or parents? If so how? Did you eat it? Or just toss it? Tell your story.
  2. I fucking misplace it, every time. I can't hide evidence for shit when stoned

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  3. I don't really want to get into the whole story but once I did have to toss a gram and my 4 day old bong. Never saw it again...
  4. That's my worst nightmares when I am traveling with a piece is be in a position where I have to toss it and either I can't come back for it or it breaks...

  5. I know the bong got picked up by a friend of a friend, who ended up breaking it like 6 months later I think. I knew where it was but because of that night's events I could no longer harbor a bong and also really didn't want to go back where I left it.
  6. When I get a potent stash and then bake myself, I'll take my jar outside, put it under one of my many cyprus trees and throw some leaves over it.

    When I feel sober, I'll spend an hour trying to find which tree I put it under, raking the leaves, and shouting very angrily.
  7. In high school, my friend and I were walking around town looking for a place to smoke. We decided on a park bathroom. The park closed at dusk but no one was really around so we didn't worry too much. My friend had packed the bowl and started to smoke when we heard footsteps outside of the bathroom. And then we saw what we thought was a flashlight being used. This bitch handed me the bowl and all of the weed and said "you have to hold on to this. I can't get in trouble." I was so pissed at her but I was also fucking terrified. My first instinct was to flush the weed and I put the bowl in my bra. We decided to walk out and just explain we needed to pee to whoever was out there (we assumed a local cop or something similar) and everything would be totally fine. But no one was there. I wasted weed but found out my "friend" was a shitty person. Silver linings.
  8. Haha I guess you know who not to depend on when shit goes down huh?
  9. What really sucks is that people that act this way are more likely to get ahead in life. And that silver lining definitely has a touch of grey.
  10. had to eat my vape and 2 bongs and an entire mason jar full of weed because my mom was coming upstairs.
  11. So so true. In this case, this girl ended up dropping out of high school and doing porn sooo...

    Love the Dead reference (~):}
  12. Once back when I lived with my parents I was Down by the creek behind their house smoking a 4 gram cone, I heard my dad yelling my name and saw him walking down the path to the creek and tossed the whole thing in the creek in a panic and I had just lit up to. Wish I hadn't panicked and hid it by a tree or something . At least some lucky fish were happy ha
  13. I guess it wasn't that important that she not get in trouble that day then. Getting caught with weed and a pipe hardly disqualifies someone from dropping out of high school and doing porn.

    And the opportunity to throw that reference in there was just too good to pass up
  14. If I ever get pulled over I'll probably won't even know if i'm riding dirty or not.
  15. I would totally do porn if I had a better body, but i guess i could always get CFNM'd
  16. #16 himan235, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2013
    the worst evidence that always fucks you over unless your mobile an blowin it out..............smoke
    I can eat the bud, toss the piece but that damn smell of smoke never gives up that easy and fucks you over every time ... god dam smoke - but the police never find out I'm too good
  17. I've had to bush a few things but i always came back and got it at a safer time.
  18. I usually hide all my shit in my working Dell desktop because it snaps open and has like a 6 sq inches to hide stuff, but my dad said he was gonna open it up to change the hard drive, so I took the old computer from my closet and unscrewed the side, had to put my pipe, chillum, cigarettes, tobacco, grinder, papers, shisha and 9 mil in it then screwed it back up and put it back in the closet.

  19. This thread has made me laugh twice so far. Keep it up, guys.
  20. Me and my buddie were walking down the street with like 10 grams and a bottle of crown royal black both of us were underage I still am haha but we saw a cop creepin way behind us so he ditched the bottle and gave the bud to me and said dip and we both dipped diffrent ways just haulin ass like some fucking crackheads he never cought us but we didn't get that bottle back damn it

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