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Dispensary shorted me

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by allaboutdagreen, May 13, 2010.

  1. How did you get shorted an 8th? :eek:

  2. Weedmaps is dead dude, you need to get hip with

  3. Some people buy in ounces.

  4. I can tell if an ounce is short an eighth just by the feel of the bag weight. It's really hard to get shorted that much if you are vigilant.
  5. You are an exception since you are probably the Chuck Norris of weed growing but I dont know if I'd be able to tell an eighth missing from an ounce :(
  6. I was stupid and just took the lil brown paper bag home without checking. what sucks is that they shorted me an eighth on a quarter.
  7. I've never bought by the ounce so I dont know, but I just figured you could easily tell if it was an 8th off. I mean yeah, I know it dpends but that seems obvious to me. This dispensary didnt weigh it in front of you?
  8. Sorry to interrupt here y'all but I just want to let it be known that the thought of a store filled with legal dank weed for sale just makes me wanna jizz my pants. Sometimes I'm envious of people with cards, and then i think, remember the trade off.
  9. What's the tradeoff?

  10. If you have a medical card you must have some kind of illness to have been prescibed mmj.
  11. That's irrelevant and well, kind of obvious. This section of the forum is dedicated to MMJ so the feedback is predominantly other MMJ users.

    Don't bitch because you don't have it in your state. He's asking a completely reasonable question.
  12. We have a scale with both front and back readouts so everyone knows exactly what the bag weighs. We also use a scale that weighs to the thousandth.
  13. Tee Hee! :D
  14. You laugh, but it's assholes who game the MMJ system in States that have it that are hurting the chances of those of us in States trying to pass it. It's the #1 reason cited by my local politicians as to why they oppose it.
  15. Im not laughing in support of gaming the system.. Im basically giggling at the fact that he thinks that most MMJ patients are actually really sick.
  16. Ah, gotcha. It's a pet peeve because I've been lobbying hard here in PA and donating lots of money to the cause. We have a bill pending.

  17. Sorry. All I know is here in NJ it's gonna be so strict its ridiculous. Like you gotta be halfway buried to buy a eighth of GDP. I guess out in cali its easier?
  18. It's a joke in Cali. You can go to the doctor and claim you can't sleep and get a card if you go to the right one.
  19. Yeah its annoying to see these 18 year olds flooding the dispensaries on the weekends. They even sit there and talk about how they're there to hook up before heading out to parties or raves.
  20. I called and made my appointment same day, went in spoke to a Dr for about 15 mins about some minor back pain and got my card and rec paperwork in 30 mins flat. 60 dollar charge. My room mate got his medical card the day before me with the reason he wanted to put on some weight and doesn't have much of an appetite. <-- lol right? ya so in cali u pay 60 bucks and within 30 minutes you have free access to literally thousands of weed/hash/edibles shops and bars

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