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Dispensaries by 2015

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by tank55, Aug 2, 2012.

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  1. New user here. I was wondering what do ya'll think the new states will join in having dispensaries by 2015 or somewhere around there :smoke:
  2. 2015.... When OP will be 18 :D
  3. [quote name='"Blazed Buckeye"']2015.... When OP will be 18 :D[/quote]

    Lol. Got em.
  4. A couple more years of English and then only you can prevent forest fires.
  5. no lol i'm truely 18

  6. he stated in previous post he is 18

    just leave it......

    why start SHIT?

    holy fuck
  7. ignore the bullshit Tank !

    keep on truckin' brother !

    2015 is a ways away , it's really difficult to predict where disp. will be then

    hopefully it'll be completely legal by then, but who knows
  8. ya true, no telling what could happen by then
  9. Not in South Carolina we are in the Bible Belt and "that's not good and holy" Bullshit
  10. I know i have family over there, but what i don't understand is why do they not just sell it like cigs and put a tax on it yadayada when there hasn't been 1 recorded death from it yet we're going to sell cigs and alcohol which kill thousands every year.
  11. [quote name='"tank55"']I know i have family over there, but what i don't understand is why do they not just sell it like cigs and put a tax on it yadayada when there hasn't been 1 recorded death from it yet we're going to sell cigs and alcohol which kill thousands every year.[/quote]

    Amen to that, an they could tax it like crazy like 50% but it would be so cheap compared to what we are buying it for now and solve some aspects of politics and solve some debt problems
  12. indeed and the cartels would making less money to be trafficking all of the bad stuff like cocaine etc. isn't that what the government wants?
  13. [quote name='"tank55"']indeed and the cartels would making less money to be trafficking all of the bad stuff like cocaine etc. isn't that what the government wants?[/quote]

    Yea knock down the war on drugs there for knock down debt and clean out jails and prisons and have room for people that actually deserve to be there
  14. exactly, they put around 1,000,000 people in jail for a plant when instead they could be putting actual bad people such as murders and rapists.......God our government is so fucked up
  15. Yes prohibition doesn't work but I would hope we would still have indepedant growers becuase once gov and big business gets into it they just ruin stuff. Gov will grow crappy weed. Just picture the DMV style grow op (makes me shutter). Big business will add all kinds of chemicals and junk to maximize profits or they will grow it all in China and import it.

    Sorry not trying to be negative but just don't want them to ruin a good thing by legalizing it the wrong way.

    There is movement to try and get MJ rescheduled by the Fed so it isn't on the same level as cocaine and heroin. This will be the first step to legalization.
  16. yeah i didnt think about that. Look at cigs it was originally just tobacco and look at all the chemicals the gov put in it and even in the paper

  17. Yeah hopefully they do it right, I won't be buying Marlboro MJ!

    I would like to see the Feds stay out of it. My wish is that they reschedule it and the Fed keeps it illegal but makes the offense an infraction like J walking. Let the states regulate it as a medicinal herb. No some states will never vote in a MMJ bill but that is fine. If you get caught you just pay a small fine. No jail time for MJ. They would make money and stop the incarceration of MJ users.
  18. [quote name='"TheTHCwhisperer"']Yes prohibition doesn't work but I would hope we would still have indepedant growers becuase once gov and big business gets into it they just ruin stuff. Gov will grow crappy weed. Just picture the DMV style grow op (makes me shutter). Big business will add all kinds of chemicals and junk to maximize profits or they will grow it all in China and import it.

    Sorry not trying to be negative but just don't want them to ruin a good thing by legalizing it the wrong way.

    There is movement to try and get MJ rescheduled by the Fed so it isn't on the same level as cocaine and heroin. This will be the first step to legalization.[/quote]

    I think they will have dank weed it'll just cost more like booze or tobacco.
  19. No one really knows. And this thread really isn't constructive
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