Holy shit this guy is crazy if he actually believes all these things to be true! Everything he says, every last bit of what he says, has either been debunked, or EXTREMELY exaggerated. This news piece is A little bit less than a year old... But GODDAMN it sounds like it's 40 years old! Link: Marijuana, America's most dangerous illegal drug | Commentary | Minnesota Public Radio News
To be honest i didn't read the lot, just up to where Mary jane, causes cancer, and is more dangerous the cigarettes. At that point i coudn't read any more, just ticked me off, i hope people aren't finding this, i really do, Ah mary jane take me away from this crap.
I started smoking weed when I was 13.. and all my friends and Im pretty sure none of us became coke heads says 60% WILL do coke.. so sad
Out of the several dozen comments on that site, ALL of them were opposed to that article. Good to know that people are seeing past bullshit. These idiots have to realize that they can't feed us crap lies anymore. Legalization is imminent.
I tried searching for anti-marijuana websites in Google and they were few and farbetween, all I could find is resources on why marijuana should be legalized.
"Marijuana is far more powerful today than it was 30 years ago. THC levels have increased from the 1 percent potency level in the 1970s to more than 13 percent today (on average), with some samples containing THC levels of up to 33 percent." Thank God. at least he got that part right
(in BOLD are counter arguments) Hastings, Minn. - Methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin may be America's most addictive and destructive drugs, but marijuana is the most dangerous illegal drug in our nation. (MJ has killed ZERO people)The reasons for this conclusion are many. First is that marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in America. Almost 2 million persons began using marijuana last year in the United States, and marijuana use starts at a younger age than most other illicit drugs. (i wish i started at a young age) Early marijuana use is associated with drug dependence as an adult. The younger the age of first use, the higher the likelihood of such dependence as an adult. More than 4 million Americans are estimated to be dependent upon or abusers of marijuana, more than any other illegal drug. Treatment admissions for marijuana abuse have been higher than for any other illegal drug in our nation since 2002. (how can u be dependent on a NON addictive substance???? our bodies do not have withdrawal if we stop smoking at any point in time.) Marijuana is not the harmless substance many would like us to believe. (yes it is.) Marijuana is an addictive drug that poses significant health risks to its users. (MJ is NOT addictive) Short-term effects of marijuana include memory loss, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, and loss of motor skills. (SHORT-TERM DUMBASS!) Long-term adverse impacts include loss in muscle strength, increased heart rate, respiratory problems, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, impaired ability to fight off infections and risk of cancer (marijuana contains 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke).(Most of these 'long term effects' are fixed when u acctually do smoke it. & MJ never gave ANYONE cancer) Marijuana is far more powerful today than it was 30 years ago. THC levels have increased from the 1 percent potency level in the 1970s to more than 13 percent today (on average), with some samples containing THC levels of up to 33 percent. (COOL =) i gotta thank all the growers out there) Even more troubling is that marijuana serves as a gateway to the use of other illegal drugs. (FALSE - a study proves that 30% MJ users try other drugs, it is the same percentage as people who drink alcohol, so if MJ is a gateway drug, so is alcohol) Most people who use methamphetamine, heroin or cocaine started their illegal drug use with marijuana. A recent study on addiction and substance abuse showed that teens who use marijuana at least once a month are 13 times more likely than other teens to use other drugs like cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine, and are almost 26 times more likely than those teens who never used marijuana to use another illegal drug. Another study showed that 12- to 17-year-olds who smoked marijuana were 85 times more likely to use cocaine than those who did not. Sixty percent of adolescents who use marijuana before age 15 will later use cocaine. (all these 'studies' have no credibility and are complete BULLSHIT, i took a class in COLLEGE where we had to debunk these studies, and we were only allowed to use credible sources.) Last, but certainly not least, there are strong links between marijuana use, violence and other criminal activity. (MJ makes people mellow not violent lol) Young people who use marijuana weekly are nearly four times more likely than nonusers to engage in violence. Nationwide, 40 percent of adult males arrested for crimes tested positive for marijuana at the time of their arrest. Marijuana is in fact the cash crop that drives the illegal drug trade, not just here in Minnesota but across our country. Marijuana use provides a significant part of the demand side of the equation that brings drug dealers onto our street corners and into our schools and neighborhoods -- drug dealers who bring with them other crimes and violence. (fuuuck that, dont call me a drug dealer, i dont do crimes and my shit kills no one.) The connection between marijuana use and gang activity and violence is inescapable. Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak recently commented about middle-class Minnesotans who are buying marijuana "with a wink and a nod, thinking it has nothing to do with anything" when in fact these persons are "literally paying for the bullets that kill people." I agree with Mayor Rybak that "any person who buys marijuana in this region is directly or indirectly giving money to gangs." Recreational users of marijuana may not think of themselves as criminals, but they are in fact the biggest contributors to the illegal drug trade in America. (Gangs thrive off of illegal trading, this problem would be EASILY fixed if it were actually a legal substance) We would be wise as a society not to underestimate the destructive nature of marijuana. It is a powerful and addictive substance that is a gateway drug to other controlled substance abuse. (again with the BS, i already debunked this one) Marijuana use finances in large part the activities of gangs and drug dealers. It is by far the most frequently used illegal drug in America and its use is directly connected to crime and violence in our communities. (the opposite is also true, if it were made legal and taxed properly like alcohol or ciggarettes, we would see a huge monetary gain from this cash crop. tens of BILLIONS of dollars and rapidly increasing) (btw, both alcohol and tobacco kill WAY more people in a month than ALL gangs do in a year) hahaha For all of these reasons, in my opinion marijuana is America's most dangerous drug. (keep your opinion to yourself, we want FACTS!!) We need to recognize the threat it represents and continue our efforts to control it, prevent our youth from starting to use it, aggressively enforce our laws against those who illegally cultivate, distribute and possess it, and effectively treat those who have become addicted to it.
Marijuana is far more powerful today than it was 30 years ago. THC levels have increased from the 1 percent potency level in the 1970s to more than 13 percent today (on average), with some samples containing THC levels of up to 33 percent And they also had to smoke more of it to get stoned, which means more combusted plant material and smoke in the lungs. So I don't know if i am crazy but needing to smoke less sounds better for you, so that would be a positive. I think he just said new cannabis is healthier!
I'd write a long and detailed explanation debunking all of his arguments, but I had my first joint yesterday and I'm now too far gone on heroin to form a coherent argument.
Every person that spues these lies needs to be called on it. We all need to respond to this kind of garbage and educate and inform the repeater of the lies with the truth. Not with anger, just use the true facts. I generally write them a polite letter suggesting they review the articles and videos at Activist Cat Home Page. The site opens minds. Personally I have written to many, those that take the time and do review the material respond letting me know they had no clue. These government people, (the author is the Dakota County Attorney, the prosecutor) have all been fed and listened to the government lies since birth. We need to educate them all! I just sent James C. Backstrom an email. You can too at http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/Departments/Attorney/Contact/ContactUs.htm The more people that do the better for all of us. Educate them one at a time if need be but educate them!
I am hoping that the guy who said all of that false information is a troll. If he isn't... well then he must have been dropped on the head as a child. Some times for shit n gigs i go to youtube and watch the above the influence commercials and laugh at how overly exaggerated and stupid they are. Makes for a good time
When I read stuff like this, the extreme of extremes, it makes me sad not angry. The people who write these have a few things going on. One they might not have a sound mind or past that gives them in the present such an extreme veiw. Two they may have a strong agenda and they dont care if they lie to get it done. The first type of people, I find, are also on the extreme defence. They dont do the research from both sides. They are stubborn and they feel personally threatened. Which is the silliest and saddest part because of such a selfish position, and considering the power of that person, there are more being harmed then helped! Science, Research, Learning, and having and OPEN MIND will get us far. Not using those skills keeps us in the dark ages. Thank you !