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Disease specific MMJ strain list

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by clinton, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. thanks for information
  2. CBD Gummies For Anxiety!
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    1. Charlotte’s Web Calm CBD Gummies: Charlotte’s web calm CBD Gummies include the perfect blend of lemon balm and I-theanine along with a proprietary cannabis product featuring more than 80 naturally occurring terpenes flavonoids and phytocannabinoids. As per the research studies, lemon balm may enhance mood and help to reduce anxiety levels. And L-theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation devoid of causing drowsiness.
    2. Hemp Bombs CBD Sleep Gummies: Almost a more significant percentage complains about sleep disturbances and insomnia issues. And one aspect of anxiety is that it often interferes with sleep and keeps people awake longer than usual. The ingredients of the gummies include L-theanine, Passiflora, and Scutellaaria for calm and relaxation. Gummies may promote deeper sleep.
    3. Green Roads Relax Bears: Green Roads relax bears are well known for providing relaxation with every bite. These gummies are THC-free and non-GMO.
  3. Its a psychadellic.....Dont get me wrong, I like pots various effects, the things that makes it so much different than alcohol....but so many of these are subjective and in peoples own heads....subjective being my big word of the day!

    Although I dont think these claims are too far fetched, the specifics of it all....still bit far fetched. Marijuana's effects are all over the place for "pot head" people tell me to smoke Indica when freaking out or having panic from pot, Uhh ohh it makes it worse....That was almost a hospitilization and psychotic break from my head getting stuck in loops afraid I couldnt pee.....Try the CBD you say!, also a bunch of hogwash....SUprisingly smoke pure sativa, the stimulating type, or like Green crack or actual crack ....No anxiety, cause my brain can rationalize away from the sub-trip type crap! Next time I have to chug a 6 pack or more cause I take a "chill strain" of a BHO hash oil hit, and my heart is breaking out my chest....well I'm blaming you for my hospital visit or drinking problems!

    So sorry buddy, these claims are scattered...andI bet they are true for you and others....but am I the only one who seems to think pots effects on mind and senses is ALL over the places depending on person and environemental effects like surrounding.

    I put this between those "Crystal and gemstone and magical super healing power of crystals in chakras" know the ones that claim certain specific rocks do very specific things cause one small culture or some dude or hippy or the writer, amongst many had its "Beliefs" written down as fact inbetween the sagitarius asshole and the crab nebula dick pinchers.. This rose quartz smells of rose pedals, heals the heart, gives off love, pairs well with a rose wine, a fart, and a blunt of green crack...
  4. None. Well actually something with barely any THC. Or just smoking a tiny hit or two off a joint. If you keep having panic or anxiety from pot, well welcome to the club. I'd say half probably get this later in life if they arnt mixing alcohol...yet they usually arn't pot head.

    Just be like me, get drunk once every couple months, smoke weed once every couple months....if you try to repair your potheadism, returning it to its former non panic glory....well you cant without barely smoking, increasing your tolerance through roof slowly, taking anti-psychotics I noticed helps....

    One day you might end up in AA or NA.....and its not like pots a gateway drug often, what I usually hear is not "I smoked pot, I needed to move onto something stronger..I graduated to heroin....YEA FU YOU grandma and daddy this is the counter culture! FUCKYOU ADULTS!.". Its, "I smoked pot for years, happy and great...I got to around early 20s or so, and started to have bad trips and freakout events from pot.....and then well I need to mix something to keep my cool or needed something else to do everyday with large impacts on the mind liike pot did!". Its best to just bail, keep pot around for those times when you gonna get shit faced and drink like a 15 drinks, and instead drink 8 and pass out early!
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  5. Damn, Man, I've had a couple of things that litteraly distoried my happyness for a lifetime. I have only a few happy memories, BUT I'LL TAKE MY LIKE OVER YOURS ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. LOL well the rule of thumb here? Is to remember the FOUNDATION of this whole conversation. Simply put! It's different for everyone. Simple as that. What is true for one may just be the EXACT opposite for another! Classic example? Me and my sister.
    I shared about this somewhere else but I watched pot literally destroy my sister. She would go into herself and dissociate from life and conversations but worse? She would get irrational and negative, always creating problems where they didn't exist and basically just living to express her anger and righteousness for whatever she imagined was going on around her. It got as bad as violence and I got the brunt of that many times. Yeah she also drank like a fish and that didn't help... but weed really wasn't good for her. So here I am watching this woman deteriorate right before my eyes and the only thing I could think was, DON'T SMOKE POT! IT WILL DESTROY YOU! My sister got sober. Her life improved dramatically and she hasn't been violent to anyone at all since that time. She apologized to me for that time of course. But yeah so I went through life avoiding weed (even when I drank like a fish lol) bc I was so sure marijuana would do to me what it did to my sister.
    EHHH! Wrong.
    In 2017 I turned 50. That was one of the lowest points in my life. Then my friend texted me and asked what I thought of pot. I started to write something negative about it but stopped myself. I said something like, well idk too much about it beyond my own experiences. My friend said it helped her with anxiety.
    Anxiety is horrible for me. So I said... fine... let me try it. I bought some from her and it was the best thing I could ever do for myself.
    Now I'm like, Damn! Why didn't I just talk to more people about weed before jumping to the conclusion that WEED BAD bc one person in my life had a terrible time with it? It's definitely not for everyone but it's easy to get insulated in one's own world and not see that there are other stories besides that of my sister's, or mine...or your own. It's different for everyone! Whatever works! Just do your thing, and let the world turn as it's meant to. :smoking-banana:
    • Like Like x 1
  7. For a disease-specific MMJ strain, I would suggest you to get in touch with medical marijuana doctor or expert for more detailed information.
    Anyways, thanks for the list.

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