Approximately 45,000 Americans will die this year because of inadequate health is as if the Conservatives are "Draco" reincarnated...sentencing Americans to death for doing little if anything wrong (besides not being as greedy as the Fat Cat – Pharmaceutical laced-Plutocrats). It is truly a Wild West epoch, where the horses have been replaced by Jackasses and the guns with denial papers from HMOs.
More people are killed by second hand smoke than die from "inadequate health care"... I can only imagine the coercive scheme you'd support to save that group too. And didn't you get the memo? Obama's plans for our health system are just what the NeoCons always wanted... more protections and subsidies for the richest corporations. Besides, it was Bush who presided over the largest ever expansion of the welfare state... is he a conservative? Is Obama considered a conservative too? I don't get it... You're looking for the solutions we need in the wrong place. The political establishment relies on corporatism just as much as the corporations do. 50% of the industry is already fed through the state, maybe that's something we should look into instead of furthering fascism.
This year: 400,000+ will die because of cigarettes. 75,000+ will die from alcohol. ~20,000 will die from gun violence. Some believe the government is going to/should save us and others have progressed past wanting/needing some nanny institution to look after us and rely on ourselves to make it through life.
Be a fucking man, don't let someone tell you that you need their help. Don't let the government take away your confidence. You can take care of yourself and your family.
So how many Afghan and Pakistani civilians are being sentenced to death for being in the wrong place at the wrong ti,e by "liberal" Obama yearly? Is he like Draco too? Or it this just a "conservative thing"...
Bullshit man my great-grandpa had to deal with drunk indians shooting at his house and stealing his crops. It was pretty wild
[citation needed] But to answer your question, How about adequate health care? If you could see a doctor when you were coughing up blood, chances are they can help you. I know people who have had blood in there semen and they still wont go see a doctor because they cant afford it. Hell i'm DAMM fucking lucky I've got pretty good health care. I've had my wisdom teeth taken out, physical therapy for my knee and shoulder, an MRI to diagnose a serious headache, free inoculations. If i was still a civilian i'd been several hundred thousand dollars in debt by now. You shouldnt have to kill to be able to see a doctor.
Ye exactly. It's all well and good defending the current American situation if you have adequate health insurance, but many people in the US don't. This is where the whole socialized thing comes in. However that mentality doesn't seem to work in America... paying money into a communal fund which you may or may not benefit from. The attitude in that situation in America seems to be that that money has been lost if you take nothing out of the system, here in Europe (Britain in particular) we have a different attitude. We understand that money you didn't use has helped someone less fortunate and that we may be in their situation in the future relying on others ourselves. But then again, in America, socialism at any level is communism. So, ahhhhh Russian's, Chinese, The Red's ahhh; save us all from this socialist takeover! p.s. just to clarify, I don't think a socialized system would work in America. But you DO need extreme healthcare reform of some sort... your current system isn't the best possible. Socialized healthcare isn't perfect either, just in countries that it's accepted it does seem to work far better than the American model...
It's not just in America. It's part of political and economic theory. Socialism is understood to be a precursor, or even prerequisite, to communism.
I was just reading this (I have to do an article on COPD)
I bet that number is pure bull shit. Give us the number of Americans who's lives were saved by ADEQUATE health care. Or perhaps the number of people in the UK or Canada who died on waiting lists before seeing a doctor. How about the people in those foreign systems who died because their systems could not afford the high cost of treatment? I'm guessing that you don't have that number handy.
I think every state has their version of socialist health care now. Here in Indiana almost nobody is with out health care. You can be 100% flat broke and still get insurance through Hoosier Health wise / Anthem /Blue Cross and even your medicine will be completely covered in most ceases. The real trick to socialist health care is having the patience and the ability to jump through the bureaucratic hoops to get it.