Ive never grown before and still live with my parents while in college and they wouldnt approve of me growing marijuana and a cant afford expensive lights or watering systems. Is there a method to grow without having all the expensive growing tools?
have to say it bro.... growing in your parents house is risky and immature/stupid if you ask me. Not only WILL you get caught by your rents you can get your rents in trouble with the law if it gets busted NOT just you, just stick to buying until you can move out, its not worth the risk.
Thanks that makes sense but i was aiming more at someone teaching how to do an easy outdoor grow becasue we have 7 acres of woods. and we dont have rents. we own the property
erm, I think he meant rents as in pa-rents. I've seen on this forum many people advising not to grow in the parents house. You're doing an outdoor grow? thought it was a discreet indoor grow?
Well if you dont care how you grow it and dont want to pay a lot of money.. then wait till start of outdoor season, and grow out in the country or in a forest or something.
Mother Nature has it ways my friend. First thing before you plan anything read up on "guerilla growing".
Google Image Result for http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/growfaq/1634_files/t_wsgg-p.jpg Read all of this.^^
Oh sry its just u said u were living with your rents, my bad. If u feel like it, there's some pretty helpful stickys in the outdoor growing section Id check it out if I were you. the growing forums is such a goldmind 4 info!
Growing outdoors on your parents' property is just as risky. There is a very high likelihood -- I would say odds-on probability -- that you will get caught. You'll have to be hauling gallons of water out into the woods several times a week, plus ferts and such (p.s. water weight nearly 8.5 lbs per gal). You'll need to prep that water ahead of time and leave it sitting out to evaporate chlorine. You'll have to deal with critters like rabbits and deer, possibly installing prevention to keep them from eating your plants. MJ reflects a unique spectrum of light that is an easily identifiable "signature" to a police helicopter with the right equipment. You need to wait until you have your own place to grow.