
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Muddy, May 22, 2009.

  1. I've discovered something, I am completely insane.

    I've discovered something, I will never know the answer.

    I've discovered something, I have nothing.

    I've discovered something, I want nothing.

    I've discovered something, I am, and always have been, completely happy.

    I've discovered something, I had to go insane to realize my own happiness.

    And I've discovered something else, Life.

    That is the easiest way to describe how I am feeling at this exact moment. Think about it.
  2. I guess I should explain more, because now when I read that I don't think anyone will understand that lol

    Last night I had the most intense shroom trip of my life. I was sitting in my friend's apartment, enjoying the beginning of my trip. I don't know how long it was, but I felt like the walls started talking to me and I felt like I NEEDED to go outside. So I got up and walked out of the apartment and went to the park down the street. I just sat there in the rain, all alone in the middle of a field. I felt everything around, the earth, all of the people in their homes, all of the animals finding shelter from the rain while I just sat in it. And then I started thinking about life, which I've tried my hardest to avoid everytime I've taken anything that would expand my mind. I always knew I would go insane if I started trying to figure life out while I'm tripping, and I was right, but not in the way I thought. I realized so much sitting there, and I can honestly say that I feel like I'm this --- close to becoming enlightned. I'm still coming down off this shit lol but I know for a fact I've found SOMETHING of meaning. Who knows, maybe I'm just crazy. But isn't that the point?
  3. Precisely! Its no measure of good mental health to be able to abide by the rules of a twisted and sick society.

    I know the feeling of having a revelation, and how easy it is to completely forget it the moment you try to confine it in language. Try not to think about what you were thinking back there for a day or two, untill it becomes crystalized unconcious memory. Then, if you really play it right, and don't try to explain it with logic, you'll have within your grasp the same feeling that you had then, able to reach and be engulfed within it any time.

    Feeling, or the felt presence of the immediate experience is what takes us there. Only by recalling the same feeling you can return there.

    Ever heard of the Synchronized Hyperspace Event (SHE)? Have a look @ it, cu there ^^

  4. Yeah, ive been there before buddy. It's like finally finding clarity in your life. For me it wasn't about life, but about what my friends had been doing recently, and why and yadda yadda. I just sat and thought about it, and from there i started breaking ties with my friends who had a trend to fuck me over, and i really haven't looked back since.

    On this mushroom trip at one point after watching a commerical i got so angry i told my friend i wanted to fight a lion too, lol.

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