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discovery!!! o.o

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by scynt, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Cough drops... + smoke = :hello: :cool:try it. it feels like liquid
  2. hmm...ill try and remember next time i have em.
  3. what flavor? and i don't think im gonna try this with my bong due to risk of chokeing
  4. what kind? I tried with ricolas and it didn't do shit

  5. thats what she said? lol

    ill have to try this with our bub cuz i dont wanna drop the cough drop in the zong lol
  6. luedens
  7. not what brand what flavor...
  8. .

    cherry:eek: :eek:
  9. haha thanks I've been sitting here with this bowl paked since i asked:D now i can go try it out with some cherry cough drops:smoke:

  10. o.o damn i woulda smoked that.
  11. What the hell is going on in this thread?

  12. hey, psssst, even better discovery,

    empty out a camel Crush, fill it with weed, crush ball = menthol weed. Epic.
  13. menthol swishers...tried it once...gag.

  14. i thought eucalyptus was poisonous to anything other then a koala lol

    OMG your husband is a koala bear!!!!
  15. Not really eucalyptus oil is in a lot of cough drops and candy, candles, flavor extracts.

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