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Discolored Leaves???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by andrew256, May 29, 2009.

  1. A friend of mine has some seedlings that are about two weeks old. Most of them look really good but on a few, the first set of true leaves are starting to turn yellow. Any suggestions?
  2. yeah i need a lot more info, like what type of soil, if he added nutes yet, what type of lights is he using, o and the leaves at the very bottom of the plant usually always turn yellow and die its happened to me every grow , just as long as the big leafs are nice and green you got nothin to worry about
  3. Sorry man. They are growing in Jiffy plugs under 125 watts of CFL and they got diluted nutes two days ago. He fed them 1/4 strength flora micro.
  4. there still in jiffy plugs and there 2 weeks old thats proposterous , the 125 watt cfl is good but you need to get those into bigger pots man , if u could get a pic that would work brother , but like i said before those two tiny leaves at the bottom of the plant usually always die and turn yellow, are these the leaves your talkin about
  5. No, it's the first set of true leaves.
  6. well then you have a problem, i would transplant immediately make sure your ph is around 7 , dont give any nutes till its like 3 weeks old , also if there is a fan constantly blowin on them it could cause discoloration

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