Dirty Pipe Thread (pics)

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Whohulkwalk, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. This is the thread where you post your dirty pipe.Bong, bowl, chillum whatever as long as its glass the dirtier the better.Ill go first I know its china glass but ill have quality glass one day.


    (I couldn't get all the way clean only 70% iso)
    Resin and keif
  2. btw that's padding on the bottom
  3. Bleh... I could never let my bong get that dirty lol. I'll let my bong get a little dirty so I can post a pic I guess haha
  4. i would not even hit it if it was that dirty haha.
    my bong is clean, my spoon is only dirty in the bowl part and my slide is pretty dirty.

  5. yeah its usually not that dirty I just didn't have any alcahol.....come on people where's the dirty pics
  6. Sorry bro cAnt help ya... I'm OCD bout cleanin my pieces especially when I'm stoned :smoking:
  7. #7 bongbabe420, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2010
    I would post a pic of my pipe...its pretty dirty.
    But i'm too lazy.

    I always clean my bong though, so its never dirty.

  8. Check some porn sites...?

  9. hahahahahahahhahhhhaahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahaaahahahahahaahaa
  10. now that one dirty bong get some simple green :smoke:...
  11. I actually clean my bong mid-session quite a bit. I can't stand to see shit floating in the water.

  12. really? I didn't want to make this thread yet I wanted it to be dirtier but I ran out of bud
  13. lol ya its grimey but i know what you mean about it could be more dirty for the thread here is mine,,,[​IMG]
  14. I really like that bubbler

    does simple green leave any taste or residue on the bong
  15. thanks no just rinse it good! after letting it sit for awhile for the bub i used about 20%simple green the rest is hot water...
  16. I think ill just stick to what I know (iso+salt)
  17. just cleaned my bong right before i got on here.. ]:
    now i have to dirty it again, JUST so i can take a pic of it when she gets really nasty... oh the horror! haha

    ill have one up within the hour hopefully ;]

  18. where's the pic man
  19. Dude, you really should try Simple Green. Your piece looked pretty good after the iso/salt rinse, but I can still see a few places where it could be cleaner. The one thing SG does that NOTHING ELSE I'VE SEEN does it give your glass that brand new, crystal clear shine. I cleaned my Stemline with SG the other day, and it literally looked brand new after I was finished. As in, I looked at pics of it when I first got it (before hitting) and compared - exactly the same. Not a single spot of resin, nothing but immaculately crystal clear glass.

    Try SG man, I'm telling you. ESPECIALLY for a perc'd piece! The last thing you wanna do is shake a piece, let alone one with percs! Just pour some SG in, let it sit for like a day, rinse it out. BAM! Instantly brand new.

  20. I would of got it cleaner if I had 90% iso but ill check walmart and see if they got sg

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