Dirty and clean bulking

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by PublicEnemy20, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. I consider my diet to be a clean and healthy diet, but why shun the pizza if it fits in your macros? I mean seriously, if there are 35 grams of carbs in a pizza, and all else equal, I need 35 more grams of carbs to meet my macro goals, then why not go for the pizza? This can be applied to other calorie dense foods as well. I wouldn't consider that "dirty" if you don't exceed the macros, so why the big debate on the two? 

  2. im pretty sure the terms dirty and clean bulk dont refer to what you are eating but how much.  With a clean bulk, you stick to a very specific amount of calories consumed such as 500 above maintenance.  Dirty bulking is just eating in excess without watching calories as closely.  Most people who dirty bulk would usually rather consume too many calories than too few so people who dirty bulk tend to have a reputation of putting on more fat.  I could be wrong, but that was always my understanding of it

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