Dippin' redhairs?

Discussion in 'General' started by bigwallsack, Sep 20, 2005.

  1. me and my boys were wonderin if its possible to mix in redhairs and kif from buds into smokless/chewless tobacco (dip)?

    =would the thc from the redhairs work the same way as the nicotine from the dip? (microscopic fiberglass shards that release nicotine in ur lip)
    - would we get high?
    - would we die?
    - would it do anything at all?
  2. Hah, I've thought of this before. Im not sure, I know its Alc/Oil/Fat Solubule? But could it asborb into your blood stream? Doubtful... we would have heard of people quiding mary jane leaves by now.
  3. wouldnt do anything, just smoke the keif
    redhairs, dont have THC, they are just an indicator that the weed is good
    from what i hear

  4. your right, it just tells the maturity of the plant...no more no less...smoke keif get high, quiding wont do anything. Sorry :D
  5. redhairs dont have THC?!


    so where is most of the thc, the crystals?

    - my b im not a weed scientist, i just blaze the hell out all the time

    Btw, there are 2 kinds of weed in my town; rich kids weed, and hood weed...

    rich kids weed is in nugs with tons of redhairs, very dense and sticky... it usually makes u really psyched out for like 1-3 hours (depending on buzzkills), followed by a long, drowsy, miserable "coming down" stage... hood weed takes a little more to smoke, eases into the high, and gives u like a long, chillass, brainless high.... rich kids weed is about $40-50 for 1/8oz and hood weed is like $40 for a little over 1/4 oz
  6. in the nugs, lol
    and the keif of course

    btw, thats also known as dank(great weed) mids(middle grade) and shwagg(bad weed)

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