
Discussion in 'General' started by Lillytrees, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. anyone remmber that show dinosaurs funny shit i got them on dvd and i just saw thier anti durg ep the oldest son and friend ate a plant in the woods cause they were hungry side efects everyone was the same as pot.lol

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. haha the baby always beat the hell out of everyone. i remember one episode where the dad's boss' species is about to go extinct, but then he gets it on at the last second
  3. Even as a kid that show bugged me wakin up to THAT shit on TV every fucking morning. That shit was on fuckin basic cable, it was that bad.
  4. being a child gave me a distinct entertainment advantage
  5. haha what a great show. everyone always brings that up nowadays sayin how awesome it was. I just recently watched some of that clip you were talking about with the "magic plant." I thought it was almost pro marijuana lol. THe dad was like "theres no way you can eat a plant that will make you HAPPY! Ok, well, hang on, I'll prove it" he eats it and gets the giggles... good shit
  6. i used to love that show, you should not rip it, and than not send the file to me =D
  7. Same here! As a kid I would watch ANYTHING but I hated half the shit I watched and dinosaurs was definitely one of them. I just remember one episode that actually made me cry though.

    The dad and the baby had to spend some time together because the mom started working or something and when she decided to quit and come back home she asked the baby how was it, and since he was always shitting on the dad he finally said it was good and then for the first time he finally called the dad "daddy"... I was such a wimp.
  8. i just bought all the seasons a wallmart and the magick plant one was defentl anti drugs
  9. that shit ran when I lived in africa... and we had 2 tv's in the house with about 4 channels of programming, none of which carried that show. plus, it was africa... no way in hell was i wasting my time behind a television.

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