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Dilemma :(

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Fuckin hundies, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. basically... i got my best buddy, who i roll with pretty much everyday. we both usually have money, so we usually go halvies in our shit, if hes low, i shout up, if im low, he shouts up, like it should be..
    and, i have another mate, a good buddy, he loves to get high...and i love hangin with the guy.. but more often than not, i inevitably end up shouting his ass, cos i always got stuff on me, he never does... and its cool and all cos hes my boy.. but its getting to the poitn where he NEVER backs up, never shouts me, and even refuses to take me to the store when we both got the mad munchies. im too sorta, passive to ask for money or him to put in on some mary.. what do i do?
    tell him whats up?
    leave it be, im still getting high and hangin with a good friend?

    dont mean to sound over sensitive and shit haha, just.. sorta buggin me yknow!

    anyone, any ideas?
  2. I've been in similar situations and it can be tricky. I say keep the generousity flowing and keep blowin. but don't be affraid to bring it up to the guy though. let him know where your coming from.
  3. I do try sometimes, but he just brings up shit like "what about the time when i...[Insert what he did for me here]"

    its so frustrating, hes so thick and inconsiderate lmao
  4. be assertive! nothing will change unless the problem is acknowledged. just be like hey i always smoke you out, if you want to smoke you get to buy me some food. supply and demand. cuz if your smokin dank and hes not puttin out thats messed. so just get the problem acknowledged.

    its like with my buddies, i have a place to toke, they dont. so they smoke me out at my place so they are able to smoke and have somewhere to smoke. its called symbiosis - one thing helps another and they both benefit from it! :D :}-~ :smoke:
  5. Don't worry bro, weed is like manure if you dont spread it around it starts to stink up the place! Your bud will come around and hook you up when you least expect it. No worries!
  6. my man, exactly why i haven't really mentioned anything to him.

    fuck it anyway man, i always get faded as! so it doesnt bother me!
  7. just be like yo you got 5 bucks ill smoke you up we can chill thats what we do where i live its no big d if he doesnt have the cash he doesnt have the cash he cant get high you feel me its not hard to get 5 bucks if you try you know what im sayin
  8. yeah man but it's at the point of like, he just will not offer any money.
    even when we pre-determined before we even hang that hes to put in money
  9. I dunno. I'm a hippy at heart. If I have it to share, I share it. If I don't, I don't. I'd rather smoke with people than without people. More fun experience all in all, in my opinion. But it does suck to have a leech amidst good people. They see that too, and sometimes these things work themselves out... But I would just be a good friend and share and share alike. ;3
  10. i wasnt aware of the term

    he shouts you up..

    do you mean shoots? or hooks?

    maybe my lingo has run dry
  11. haha, im from new zealand man so that could be why..

    shouts me up, as in shouts me some smoke. shouts me a session.
    i smoke his weed pretty much :p

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