digital ph meter calibration

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by peenutt00, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. ok so the directions say to set the probe in a phosphate buffer solution with a steady PH. well i dont have nor know where to get phosphate buffer solution so my question is........

    is there any other solution with a known constant ph that i can use as a buffer solution??????

    i do have the ph strips and the ph up and down kit< but i got this bad ass digital ph reader a while ago and i would like to eventually put it to use.. any info from the worlds greatest minds would be appreciated..

    Attached Files:

  2. You need buffer solution. Check where you bought the probe, or you can find it online or at a hydro store. Possibly a specialized nursery/garden center (but not at Home Depot, Lowes, etc).

    While there might be home brew DIY buffer recipes, I would stick with what the mfgr provides/recommends -- you are, after all, trying to accurately calibrate a precision instrument.
  3. good point. i might as well wait the 5-7 days for the solution, the meter has been in my closet for almost a year. whats another week.. thanks toasty...stay frosty>>>
  4. I just picked up a packet of the solution for $1 at my local hydro store!:)
  5. yea man definetly pick up some buffer ph solution. worth the wait. general hydroponics makes a good one. comes in lil satchels. one time users. pretty conveniant:) good luck man

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