Alright so my diffusers been stuck in my bong for a while, I've tried hot water, and a few other things. Its juts not coming out. Its been about 2 weeks since its been stuck. I've still been using it while trying to figure out how to get it out any help would be GREAT.
check out this thread has a few ideas happened to me recently the iso is what worked for me
finally got it out. I basicly cleaned my bong with salt and iso. I just heated the part that was stuck with a lighter, gave it a little tug and BOOYEAH first time its been out in 2 1/2 weeks.. CHEA
for the future if you keep evetrything clean it shouldnt happen again. it usually happens when resin builds up around the joint and it gets stuck. ive seen it happen alot thats why i clean my glass after every use