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Difficult Situation

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blazedjohnny, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. longgg story short is the cops found my weed and pipe under my friends truck (i dont even think they can charge for that) but he has a prior offense so he'd get in a lot of trouble. i want to confess but dont know what to do.
  2. Lol no his own problem bro. If its not yours dont worry.
  3. Talk to a lawyer if you really do not want your friend to get in trouble. Do not just go confess to it because they will then just bust both of you. Definitely talk to a lawyer about how you can confess to it.
  4. why would i not confess? theres no way id let him take the fall for me

  5. Because they might just end up charging both of you, they don't really care about the truth if they can get 2 easy convictions to make their department look good.
  6. Exactly, which is why you need to go turn yourself in

    Go do it, do it now.
  7. If you let your "friend" take the fall for something you did, that makes you a snake.
  8. Re-read this.

    Nah man drivers usually ALWAYS get charged if theres drugs present, and he probably admitted to using so they got him already. Keep yourself free. He's gonna get it regardless.

  9. I think it was underneath the truck, not inside, and if the police can start holding people responsible for whats outside their property, I'm going start leaving 1 gram of bud next to every squad car I see.
  10. OOOOOH i didn't see underneath! Thanks for that tid bit. Yeah thats bullshit though.
  11. i would say dont confess. but if hes your friend and already has charges you should probably confess. i mean dont you think thats a little low?
  12. #14 anarchyftw, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    I would say take a lawyer with you police are devious crooked mofos, so you need a devious mofo on your side as well
  13. i almost paniced and just went to confess, but he had already went throught the trouble of hiring a lawyer and he wants to fight it because its a bullshit charge, but he wants me too pay half cause it was my bud. i told him thats retarded because it wasnt my fault, my other friend is the one that threw it under his truck.. basically i just think that i need to avoid the whole thing./

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