Different views of philosophy

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by kms brown, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. #1 kms brown, Sep 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2008
    So Im in a philosophy class at my school now and decided hey why not see what you guys think of what were going over. Plus it would be nice to see more that just random deep stoner questions.

    These arent all of the views, just some I was able to scribble down while my mind was being raped.

    Metaphysics - What does it mean "to be" or what is real?, mind over matter

    Epistemology- Man is the measure of all things of things that are, that they are of things that are not, that they are not.

    Anthropocentric- All knowledge is centered around human experience.

    Pragmatism- If its what you want its right.
  2. Definitely Metaphysics for me.It's the only philosophy that keeps me interested enough to pursue harder Sciences and all forms of knowledge in general....
  3. i feel the same
  4. I'll take metaphysics for the win. :p

    What a sheep I am.
  5. That seems like a misrepresentation of epistemology to me. Epistemology itself doesn't have any sort of "world view" or anything. It's the study of how we know the things we know, etc. It's the philosophical inquiry into human knowledge.

    That said, I'm kind of a pantheist-existentialist-Zen Buddhist-mystical type of mofo.
  6. Existentialist here.
  7. Metaphysics is plays a major role in my personality and how I live my life.
  8. So your more of a metaphysics type, since thats what Buddhist's are considered.

    And the definition of epistemology isnt a world view lol its what you said, just in way more confusing wording.
  9. Havent covered that in class yet lol

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