I've been searching around and googling for about 45 minutes to find a good article but all I can find is what they look like. Can anyone post the different pros and cons of the percs? Like drag/diffusion/looks/durability ect. and put it as a 1/10? Thanks
Or can anyone post a link? I really did search the interwebs for a good 45 minutes for one. Also bump
im interested im sure i don't know everything about em either maybe it could be added to one of the guides
I'm really just interested on inlines but I don't want to be selfish. I'm sure other people could use info on all of them and so can I
Thats alotta info and i read it somewhere once... Dome percs are mad durable but create the most drag tree precs give some of the least amount of drag and are less durable (unless they are reinforced) there are other types but these are the main two
there is a good list of all the percolators on wiki... but they are missing a handful of percs like a disk perc, atomizer percs, and shower head percs but the information is still pretty good
Tree Tree testiculators utilize between 1 and 8 (or more, if the manufacturer is capable) individual flow paths for the smoke to enter the water. A sub-category 'supra-flow', with increased numbers of arms. In general, smaller work is more difficult to manufacture. These designs are more recent than the dome design, and represent the original testiculator creating complete (two stage) diffusion. Recent variations include bent arm and twist trees. The size of each slit and the number of slits combined should equal the inside diameter of the up stem for equivalent air flow. A sub-category of the tree called a 'twist' resembling a jellyfish is thought to be the first 'Zoa'-type testiculaor system. Dome Dome percolators instead use a single encircling cylindrical piece to direct smoke to the bottom of the water column. Dome percolators can be diffused in many different ways, some have triangular slits along the bottom. While others have either a few large holes or many small holes around the bottom of the dome. The size and number of holes, or slits is determined by the inside diameter of the up stem for correct air flow. Sometimes colored art is applied to the dome resulting in a 'zig zag' pattern common in traditional soft glass paperweights and vases. pH(x) glass holds the patent for the dome percolator design (USPTO 6,935,345 [2]) and has prosecuted other paraphernalia[3] manufacturers in US Federal Court.[4] Coil Coils limit or increase air flow based on the number of wraps and outside diameter of the tubing. They were the first associated with the 'slow-draw' style trap for water pipes. Dewar Dewar percolators correct an early problem associated with domes, whereby a vacuum creates back pressure pushing water up the bushing. The Dewar contains a jacketed dome that stands up off the bottom of the percolator chamber eliminating the issue. *Jacketed Dewar sections containing a coil immersed in freezable glycerin are believed to represent the first models. Pinwheel Artistically combining a Dewar with low-set arms in a swirl pattern the Pinwheel is a re-engineered version of the Ring. Only two are known to exist, although tested and shown to be 'slow-draw' water pipe percolators; the 'slow-draw' system is not yet proven to provide benefits. Multiple Action Dewar M.a.d.s are jacketed Dewars with round or compressed spheres inside. Holes at the top of the sphere inside the Dewar allow smoke to billow intensely filling the jacket before channeling out slits in the bottom. They act as air diffusers and water percolators in one piece. A sub-category of M.a.d.s include the Atomic Mushroom and Snake Egg. Inline Inline percolators resemble the tree with one larger arm sealed inside a jacketed Dewar. The Inline contains slits and is usually found in the first chamber of the water pipe. The Inline can be made with slits of varying diameter causing increased diffusion and massive visually entertaining bubbly action. Coined 'Harmonic' the action resembles waves of bubbles similar to a sound wave pattern. The glass artist 'Hops' is credited along with 'Toro' for origination of terminology and design.
False, trees are fairly draggy, more than most since a lot of new ones have been designed since the tree. peep this thread, though the list isn't 100% complete. http://forum.grasscity.com/toking-tools/543633-pictures-perculator-types-youve-seen.html If you have more specific questions, ask.