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Different dealer

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by bongbabe420, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. So i've been gettin bud from the same dude for like 3 years, but today I got it from someone else and i'm quite satisfied :)
    Equipped with a fresh pine scent.
    I'm ready for take-off :bongin:
  3. How bout some pics !

  4. Yes, before n after
  5. b4 & after what? :confused:
  6. your bud from your old dealer and your new one
  7. Pretty pointless thread without pictures...
  8. hey youre lucky. i got weed from a different dealer yesterday and it sucks.

    post your bud pics. im just to ashamed to post mine. dirty dirt.

  9. What he said...
  10. This thread is useless without pics!! :eek:

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