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Differences between strains

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by handyman848, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. #1 handyman848, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2012
    "Hey, is this the same bud?"

    About three weeks ago I smoked with the same friend on two separate nights. She's smoked more than a few times before but not a regular toker and she recently broke up with her boyfriend and couldn't wait to tell me what a bad guy he was, even though she has people who care about her and with whom she can enrich her life in more positive ways, and what's with that? And now I'm like the guy who gets the phone call from the employer telling him "well, you're qualified, and I like you, but you didn't get the job. But let me tell you about this other guy that came in today who was TOTALLY unqualified and I'm like, you're hired! And now he walks off and breaks my heart and it just makes no sense at all, I'm totally stumped and can't see two feet in front of me."

    UH but anyway I had two separate strains with me—AK-47 and a local OG Private Reserve, an indica—and decided to roll the AK. We spent the night making sweet In N' Out burgers, and nearly dying from watching Tim and Eric. We'll have to do this again, she said. "Sit on my face," I said, or maybe I just thought it and said "sure."

    The next night as she was eagerly anticipating my thick, packed, uh joint (us engineers don't roll joints, we design them) she asked about the other strain. I said I'd roll it, but secretly ground up some more AK. and left the OG in the bag. We start puffing. 10-15 minutes later

    "Oh yea, this is much different, I can feel it. Feel my heart!" and she puts my hand on her boob. I might have imagined a part of that.

    The thing is, I know I'm making her out to be a ditz, but she is actually rather acute and discerning when it comes to subjects of the mind and contemplation. She holds dual degrees in mathematics and philosophy.

    She's someone I and many others I imagine, people like you, can and do trust when it comes to these superlative matters. And here, she's telling me that weed from the same vine has given her two vastly different experiences.

    I'm stumped. My dick's probably bigger than his anyway.
  2. The variations in weed only differ so much.. there's a lot to be said for placebo effect. Sucks to be friendzoned..
  3. For an inexperienced smoker, highs can vary quite significantly. She may have gotten more high this time, or noticed her high more, or etc. Or maybe, just maybe, she was exaggerating to seem more entertaining.

    Or maybe it was the good ole placebo effect messing with her head (while she should be messin with yours if you catch my drift).
  4. See that's what I'm wondering...just how much does the placebo effect account for our perception of differences between strains? If I didn't know any better I'd say nearly all of it. My attitude, after smoking for a while, has come to be that all weed causes basically the same changes in perception and the only real difference from one strain to another is intensity.
  5. There are so many things that affect your perception of your high. Your setting, people you are with, time of day, how much you've ate/drank that day, your mood before smoking, the reason you're smoking, music you're listening to, how much you smoke, how quickly you smoke it, etc...etc... Strain is just one of those small factors, but since no one ever considers how the other factors influence them, different "highs" get credited to different strains. Each strain does have different ratios of the different cannabinoids, and I'm sure it does affect your high a little bit, but it seems like a marketing ploy more than anything.

  6. You just made me feel less intelligent...

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