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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Audion, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. That the beef content of taco bell ground meat is only 36%

    I love how when your high shit is not only funny but it seems like that it was perfectly arranged at that moment like you hear it and your like that is the most perfect thing to have succeed that last thing they said
  2. Use the search button, this has been posted 43 times already.

  3. Sorry my bad. I'm stoned.
  4. wow, sweet excuse bro. This is a marijuana forum, not like most members arent smoking 24/7.
  5. So why are people so mad about new threads popping up?

    These are discussion boards. That's pretty cool a thread has been opened 43 times for discussion on the same topic. But now it's considered off limits?

    I haven't been around to see the 43 other threads, nor would I think of searching of this random fact.


    Thanks for the info man. Now I am moving on. Taking notes people? This is how forums work.
  6. you're saying people on GC have already posted threads 43 threads about the beef content of taco bell meat? :confused:

    Edit: This doesn't mean I don't still love taco bell, it's fucking great.
  7. Being high isn't an excuse for being stupid
  8. said mr #42 lmao

  9. hahahahaha
  10. it really doesnt make alot of sense to call someone out on being stupid, for the same thing you did... you say they've posted it 43 times, so you did it too eh? so how is he any more stupid then you are?

  11. Absolutely correct.

    But it is an excuse for not taking into account people who get there panties in a bunch because I dared to repost something old. :)eek:) I personally never heard this thing about taco bell. This is most likely explained by the fact that I do not spend every second of my life on the internet. I think you need to chill.
  12. Dont repost on my forum bro. I dont like when people waste bandwidth. Please and thanks my man. :wave:
  13. I actually searched and found 7 threads that came up when I searched "meat content of taco bell" and none of them had anything to do with this concept

    god forbid the tags let me down, don't you bastards tag your threads nowadays?

  14. Sorry I didn't see the sign that said "This is Devoke's forum. Dont screw with the bandwith."

    I guess when GC is slow your whole night is ruined? :rolleyes:

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