did you guys see this article yet? *MUST SEE*

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by dank spanko, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. They lie!!!

    no but seriously.
    as much as i want the world to end - it will not
  2. #3 xpixiex, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2012
    I trust the government.

    They seem like good people.


  3. ...I feel bad for the children of people that believe in crap like this..

    Those poor fuckers have to endure taunting by classmates because their parents watch too much Alex Jones...

    I like how everyone thinks alex jones is legit, then he goes around selling shit with his face on it.. lmfao!
  4. Oh, because the government ALWAYS tells the truth. I feel so much better now!

    Not :rolleyes:
  5. I do find it weird that France is going to block the one place people think they can survive.

    Oh, the world isn't going to end.. So you can't come over here on that day.
  6. Ooooooiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeoooooooooo
  7. I just think it's a tad bit odd they are "promising" nothing will happen, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
  8. You know, I didn't think the world was going to end on the 21st, until the government said not to worry.
  9. If you really want to be accurate, a better guess on when earth will be stricken by a calamity on doomsday proportions would be 2029, and not 2012.

    There is an asteroid the size of the rose bowl named Apophis, and it's going to be extremely close. SO close, that it will be closer to us than the satellites we use for telecommunication.

    Now it's very likely this asteroid wont cause severe problems, HOWEVER. If that asteroid were to explode OVER earth, it would cause enormous cavitation, resulting in several gigantic tsunamis, several stories tall, wiping out miles of terrestrial life.

    HOWEVER. Because we have this wonderful advance warning, there is ample time to know when to evacuate to escape this possible scenario.

    The chances it will actually physically collide over earth are tremendously low.

    In that case, we'll ALL be fucked harder than a schoolgirl in urotsukidoji.

    However with this calamity brings optimism. (not for us we'll be dead)

    Life will rebound as it always will. New diversity will eventually arise.

    Just look at the Cretaceous-tertiary extinction event, A giant fucking asteroid several times larger than Apophis slammed into the yucatan, which as you all SHOULD know, eradicated all the really cool shit worldwide!

    But despite this, life survived, and the diversity we see today is much higher than it ever was before that asteroid hit. So instead of a calamity, you could actually see it as an upgrade to our planet. :) We already have hundreds of subterranean creatures of all sorts of families already hunkered down that will pop out of that scorched topsoil!

    So in closing.. 2012? Hell no.

    I only wished I were baked when I typed this, it would have been so much more satisfying...
  10. Kind of sad that they felt the need to do this.
  11. how the fuck they know tomorrows promised :confused:
  12. Its "for their safety"

  13. completely accurate. i know it's cool to hate the government and everything but i trust them more than alex jones / jesse ventura / david icke / conspiracy websites / and youtube videos when it comes to the 2012 apocalypse.
  14. The saddest part about the 2012 delusion is the believers are grown ass men.

  15. You could say that about a lot of things, not just the 2012 delusion.

    Grown ass men lead the world in believing the dumbest shit out there.
  16. Hope there's riots.....

  17. the saddest part is people are going to commit suicide.

    grown ass men do a lot of things in this world, man. believing in something isn't half as bad as what people actually do.
  18. If the world ends the Government will all be like "Told you so! We're always right!" And if it does end we won't be here to tell them that they're always wrong :devious:

    Win/win situation I believe for them
  19. #20 badboy287, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2012
    Idk about the world ending or whatever, but if something was actually on course to crash into earth, how exactly would the gov benefit from telling us, how is ANYONE going to benefit from knowing such a thing, what will stop the mass public from storming the white house or other gov institutions, Its not like people are gonna hear such a thing and get up and go to work the next day. If such a thing is going to occur I believe we will hear about it within the hour rather than being confirmed months or weeks before. Just think about it, we're but a speck in a vast never ending universe, something colliding with us is not impossible, and the leaders of this earth aren't going to gather us all to get into a bunker with them to hold hands and rejoice.

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