Did this plant Hermie???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by token2004, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Normally I wouldn't have any trouble telling if a plant is male ore female.. but this one is getting the best of me.. I dont really see any big pollen sacks but the buds just aren't filling out like a female would.. check out the pic...

    The plant is Nirvana's Northern lights... I have 2 other plants as well they both look good...
    Weird thing is I had 10 of these seeds and 3 of them ended up being hermies (including this one)

  2. Looks Hermy to me !
  3. Yea thats what I thought.. oh well.. hope it didn't pollenate the other two plants at all.. I just got it out of the cab now... and the other two just showed there first red hairs.. all clear pistils til now..
    and after seeing all the trychromes on this plant close up I kinda want to keep it growing... oh well it will be a centerpeice in my room til it dies.
  4. There's a pic?

  5. If you spray the remaining plants, and the walls of your room with water it will deactivate any pollen hanging out.
  6. lol.... Look closer!

  7. That pic didn't appear for me before...

    Looks very hermie -- in fact, might be a male that hermie'd.

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