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Did this guy get ripped off and am I about to?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JohnJacobs, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Guy got herb for 160 a quarter, 80 an eighth. And is trying to sell it for 25 a gram. Am I about to get ripped off?
  2. Lol, seems like HE did. HAHAHAHA

    Fuck that guy, get a better connect.
  3. Pic's or it didn't happen.
  4. wow a 25$ blunt it better be good
  5. 25x3.5=$88 so I say he isnt really making a profit.

    As for you, i wouldnt pay over $10 a gram of mid, $20 for dank
  6. He says it's Cali purp and that he wouldn't buy it if it wasn't good. I just don't trust it.
  7. Ask to see it before you buy it,if he doesn't want to show u it he's hiding something ;)
  8. But even if i do see it, is any weed really worth 88 dollars a eighth or 25 a gram?
  9. have you considered that hes lying to you to make his price seem realistic? he probably payed 100 MAX for a quarter. he wouldnt be selling it if he was losing money lol
  10. No, it's not. Don't dish out that much cash to that fucker. I wouldn't even consider it.
  11. Thanks guys, I was skeptical from the start but I just needed some second, third, forth, fifth, etc... opinions.
  12. Thats a rediculous amount of money...I really would advise you not to buy it, unless thats your only supply for a while.
  13. He's probably making an enormous profit considering he's a dealer so he most likely payed 10-15 dollars tops per gram.
  14. He also isn't selling 1 gram exactly most likely. .7 or .8 instead of 1 full gram adds up.
  15. tell him to shove it, those prices are outrageous
  16. That's crazy. I'd never go over fifty an eighth
  17. Awhile back, a dude offered me 30 a g of some "serious chronic" and he wanted me fronting him the cash...fuck that

  18. weed should never sell for 25 a g
    kids that say they have purple haze sell for tht when its just regular shit, and 80 for an eitghth is bullshit, im in a pretty expensive area and ive never heard of 80 an 1/8
  19. I'm in a relatively cheap area. About $40 for 1/8.

    I would say no. This guy sounds like a douchecanoe.

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