Lately all over the internet I've been seeing Penn State pics of guys getting arrested and like half of them with out pants. WTF. I can't find anything on google about it. Awesome Opossum
You didnt hear about that huge gay orgy they had? They had almost the whole mens football and lacrosse team there man. It was radical, dicks errwhere and shit just hangin loose, ya lots of people went to jail tho, and the ones who didnt go to jail got syphillis. Sooo....ya.... cant believe u didnt hear broman.
[quote data-cid='18155656' name='MobbinBlunts' timestamp='1370235928' post='18155656']You didnt hear about that huge gay orgy they had? They had almost the whole mens football and lacrosse team there man. It was radical, dicks errwhere and shit just hangin loose, ya lots of people went to jail tho, and the ones who didnt go to jail got syphillis. Sooo....ya.... cant believe u didnt hear broman. [/qnsome Opossum No I did. Hence why I said "Bitches love to bring up old shit"
heh.. don't know what to say.. penn state + guys without pants.......................... did the boy scouts have a field trip?
Oh ya i heard about that, that was a while ago. Ya it doesnt make sense to keep bringing it up cuz the coach did something, which is kinda natural. But like, if they had a huge gay orgy on the football field out of the blue, then ya it would be a college to avoid.
So a grown man raping students is fine but gay sex between consenting adults is what would keep you away?
Not like that its hard to explain, like coaches are known for that type of shit right. Like one of my high school coaches got fired for that kind of shit. But on the other hand, if everybody is like ya lets have a big gayfest somewhere then its a big weirder right? Im just going off normality and frequencies here.