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Did my bong change colors or is it dirty?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by WeedWizard420, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. #1 WeedWizard420, Feb 22, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2016
    So I recently bought a bong from a friend and parts of it started to turn yellow. I think when I bought it, it was blueish purple. I'm not sure whether it's because it's gotten dirty from the smoke/resin or because it just changes colors. I'm 80% sure it's the latter, but I'm asking you guys just to make sure.



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  2. You're 80% sure the bong just changes colors? LOL Okay. I wonder what color it would change to if you washed it out with 99% alcohol.

  3. Its fumed glass OP, the colors become more apparent with black (resin) as a background

    while it does change colors, its much better to have a clean bong lol

  4. Your bong needs to be cleaned. Much nicer smoke that way.
  5. Not saying anything definite but you seem suspiciously young haha. Anyways yeah it's just dirty from resin and as the poster above me said it makes the colors more apparent. Clean her out mate
  6. if its a glass piece, I suppose you can just use som isopropyl and clean it out? That should remove the resin. U can also get wipes if you're more concerned with the mouthpiece like me.
  7. Pour some alcohol and salt in there and shake it like ur meat. XD No but fr that bong is really dirty.

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