Hello out there in Grasscity. I am new to the site and just wanted to share this video and get some thoughts on it. I am in a band and trying to use music (as many others have) to spread the word about the positive side of weed smoking. Check this video out that we made and leave some comments. Thank you everyone and Peace bewitch you. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3nwzK9fqc]YouTube - "The Holy Cow" (Jesus Smoked Weed) - Black Shirley[/ame]
It's the only way you can make up a religion, I guess he was what we nowadays call a bum. Except that back then people actually believed and followed him.
Not hating on religion or anything, but I have yet to see Biological and Scientifically sound proof that this guy existed.
Im not sure if he smoked, but this article talks about him maybe using hemp oil to perform "miracles" Chronic Christians: Did Jesus Heal with Pot? | Cannabis Culture Magazine
Think about how when you and your friends smoke, you guys travel around side by side in a pack and shit, then think of Jesus traveling around with his followers.
There is plenty of evidence that Jesus was a real person both in and outside scripture, but since the bible is biased I will not talk about it here nor will I post all the proof there is since.......well im to lazy to do that. Evidence #1Thallus Our initial witness makes a contribution of a unique sort inasmuch as he had no intention of making Christianity to appear genuine. To the contrary, Thallus, a Samaritan-born historian who lived and worked in Rome about A.D. 52, wrote to offset the supernatural element which accompanied the crucifixion. Though the writings of Thallus are lost to us, Julius Africanus, a Christian chronographer of the late second century, was familiar with them and quotes from them. In a comment on the darkness that fell upon the land during the crucifixion (Mark 15:33), Africanus says that "Thallus, in the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an eclipse of the sun."3 Africanus stated his objection to the report arguing that an eclipse of the sun cannot occur during the full moon, as was the case when Jesus died at Passover time. The force of the reference to Thallus is that the circumstances of Jesus' death were known and discussed in the Imperial City as early as the middle of the first century. The fact of Jesus' crucifixion must have been fairly well known by that time, to the extent that unbelievers like Thallus thought it necessary to explain the matter of the darkness as a natural phenomenon. Will Durant observed that Thallus' "argument took the existence of Christ for granted."4 Neither Jesus nor the darkness at his death were ever denied as factual. Durant summed up the matter of Christ's historical existence for himself by saying that it never occured to the early opponents of Christianity to deny the existence of Jesus.5 Ironically, Thallus' efforts have been turned into the mainstream of historical proof for Jesus and for the reliability of Mark's account of the darkness at his death #2. The Talmud There are two separate books of writings dealing with Jewish law called the Talmud. The first of these is the Mishnah, which is the Jewish code of religious jurisprudence. It began to be compiled sometime after the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and was completed about A.D. 200. This great body of newly codified case law became the object of Jewish study from which grew a body of commentaries called Gemaras. Together, the Mishnah (the law book) and the Gemara (the commentary) are called the Talmud. Being Jewish, suffice it to say, all references to "Yeshu'a of Nazareth" in the Talmudic writings are unfriendly, but nevertheless sufficient in number to establish beyond doubt his historical reality. #3 Josephus The most important references to the historical Jesus from a Jewish source is from a former Jewish general turned historian by the name of Flavius Josephus. In his writings he tells us who he was, what he did, and his own evaluation of a historian. He wrote of many of the outstanding persons we read of in the New Testament: Pilate; Quirinius of Syria (during whose governorship Rome enrolled the Empire for taxation purposes); the Caesars; the Herods; the Pharisees and the Sadducees; Annas and Caiaphas, who had Jesus crucified; Felix and Festus, under whose governorships the apostle Paul was arrested and before whom he spoke of Jesus; Jesus' brother, James; and John the Baptist.
The oldest weed was found in a Chinese shamans tomb, and it was with other medicines and things like that.The archeologists are pretty certain that it was something people were treated with either eaten or smoked so its safe to bet that a bunch of ancient peeps were .
I don't really think Jesus existed. WAIT BUT ISN'T THERE SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE? ....nope. BUT... if he did, I bet he smoked weed.
Whether Jesus smoked weed or not, or if he even existed, he would be appalled at the idea of a government criminalizing cannabis users.