Did I wait too long?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Dubular, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. There's a girl at work I have had a crush on for awhile now. We had gone out on a semi-date type thing. I'm still not sure how to classify it, as on Cinco de Mayo she mentioned how margaritas sounded good, and I agreed and that turned into getting margaritas after work. She tried to invite some other people from the office, but at the end of the day it was just her and I going. Another guy we worked with joked that it would be a date, to which she said 'Yeah', but then he said that he would call his girlfriend and meet us there.

    So I wasn't sure it was even a real date, but we had a good time. I shouldv'e asked her out again outside the restaraunt, and I was kicking myself as soon as I started walking away. I'm 25 and a virgin, and just extremely nervous around women. I've thought about asking her out so often since then, but I can never find the words to actually say it.

    Then I found out that a couple weeks ago, she asked another guy we work with to go to a bar to watch the womens soccer game. When he commented that it wasn't even for a few hours, she came back saying she had a cherry flavored condom in her car. Now he's like 10 years older, and not even remotely interested, but its still bugging me.

    Have I waited too long?
  2. #2 KushNMusic, Jun 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2015
    damn son if ur 25 and a virgin, you should be asking out every decent looking chick you see, you cant hesitate over it man its probably why ur still a virgin, and dont be afraid of rejection lol

    try this, go up a chick that you have never talked to before and dont know and is probably gonna reject you, and ask her out just so you can see that rejection isnt that bad lol, just go and get rejected a few times man because fuck it who cares, it will make you care less about being rejected because you'll see that it isnt even that bad, you will just move on with life
  3. #3 teddykgb, Jun 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2015
    Dude your fear of rejection is the main reason you're still a virgin. As for the girl at work, you most likely did IMO, doesn't mean you can't bounce back and land her but at minimum she's self assured about having sex and just wanted to bang your co worker because the opportunity was there. At worst you messed it up by being scared and she's moved on.

    Either way you gotta get over your rejection fear, Kush had some good advice, a similar strand of which I followed years ago, I started asking girls I knew had no shot with, once you get shot down a handful of times your skin gets thick to it and it makes approaching women easier, and you know what? For every group of 10 hot girls if ask, for every 8 or 9 'no's' there would be 1 or 2 girls I had no business going out with but ended up having a blast with both dating and eventually in bed, simply out of the fact that these beautiful women were impressed by the fact that I wasn't intimidated by them and asked them out
  4. I was the same way.
    for me, internet pussy was easy and it help me build my confidence where I could kinda ask a girl out. It was easy for me after the asking them out part.
    In a way I would put a mask on myself, let the girl think I am the kind of person she thinks I am, you know???
    The girl is trying is trying to get some kind of interaction.
    Try something simple, and something causal, that isn't labeled as a date.
    Ask her if she wants to have lunch together, or maybe even an activity the two of you can do together at work
  5. Don't be afraid of rejection, every single person in this world has gotten rejected bro and we've all dealt with it so stop being afraid 'cause it'll hold you back.
    If you're looking to be more than friends with a girl then you have to give her the hint early when you meet (don't be a pervert though) so she actually sees you in that light and not just as a friend.

    Stop being nervous because they're only human. People feed off of each others vibes and energy so when you're awkward and nervous, they sense it and get turned off sooo quick man. When you're comfortable around them, they'll feed into it and then they'll gain interest in you 'cause you're so comfy in your own skin (this is the confidence they get attracted to). Don't think about what you want to say because that never helps man, just approach her without thinking and then once you both talk, it'll naturally happen.

    Honestly, a tip to help you get rid of that anxiety with women is to practice small talk with women. i'm talking about the cashier lady at your grocery store, your bar tender or even when you get a haircut.


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