So, I showed up to this place that was looking to hire a Cannabis Cultivator. I shook hands with the guy and followed him in. Shook hands with another guy who introduced himself and I was only ever asked one question but...umm.. The guy started the interview off with "Do you have any other questions for me". And he tried to end the interview right there. I panicked and reminded him it was a job interview so all the question asking was suppose to be his deal but I forget the question I asked and I went over lightly on the 3 years experience in total I have, 1 just starting out myself and 2 working as a farm hand on a cannabis farm near me. I guess it wasn't for me panicking and going over my philosophy on what makes a good cannabis grower which is less of what you know and more of how you handle problems that come up and the ability to at least recognize problems and how you handle them etc that kept the interview going. Interview lasted like 4 minutes. They said they liked me but....they literally opened the interview with "Do you have any other questions for me". At the very least I reminded them that if they go with someone with more years experience I would be happy to join them for harvest which they agreed to when the time comes. But...wth? Starting off with the interview question that ENDS an interview? I have no idea what I did wrong. My hair was clean. I smelled neutral. I had my work sleeves on because both they and I knew I was immediately going back to work to go do some pruning cuz my old boss temperarily has me back helping him out. I smiled and was about as friendly as an introvert with adhd like me can give. Did I mess something up badly enough to just end a job interview so badly that they wouldn't even quiz me on my general knowledge of how to grow? No questions like, do you at least recognize what low phospherous looks like in the stalks or know what Silica is used for? What the proper PH for an adult vs a rock wool clone is? PPM vs ..whatever that European measurment is that no one here uses? Just...did I have qeustions for them and then seemingly it sounded like they were trying to get rid of me.
what did you open with? seems like we're missing the start of the meeting....what was your initial question(s)?
That was the start of the meeting. He looked at my resume, I had my cannabis farm work on top and that was what he opened with. I didn't even ask any questions yet.
Maybe a part time gig will open up & get your foot in the door, then it's up to you to show them what you got. Best not to burn any bridges. A follow up letter (not e-mail) in a week or so thanking them for the interview should keep U in their mind hopefully. It does sound like he did not want to interview anyone at that time, or he already had someone in mind & was just "interviewing" for appearances.
I Think you asked the wrong questions, I would have asked things like whats the difference between an indica and sativa prototype ( there so many correct answer you can give and a few that are totally wrong) What the difference between HST and LST training you could ask for pictures of his plants(ask questions about them) crop size You want to see a good crop sizes like this in a 6ft x 4ft (18 oz's) IMO a legal grower will have a portfolio, if he is growing for a few clients
"You have a nice place here. I'm an honest person and a hard worker who doesn't call in or show up late and I catch on quickly. I'm looking forward to learning from experienced growers like you guys" After you get the job it'll be up to you to live up to your claims.