Ffof Flora series @1/4 dose I was using 250 watt cfls but switched to 400w halide to flower. I'm 5 weeks in and only have budlets. Did I ruin my grow? Is it the bulb?
Should be running a 400w high pressure sodium bulb for flower not metal halide. Unless thats what you meant
Looks fine from here, I have used DE 4000k MH for the entire grow several times seeing if the trichromes were frostier then hps... yes they were but overall weight suffered some,,, much better with mh & hps best both worlds
Honestly i would switch right away. They look like you flipped to 12 12 after 3 weeks. They look like theyve been flowering for only 2 weeks. No they dont look ruined. Just slow flowing growth because of the spectum of the bulb. The mh bulb is for vegging. Your 5 week flowering time period i would jump back a cpl weeks. And grow for atleast another 5 maybe 6 weeks. Very healthy plant btw