did i kill my plant???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by wv dro, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. i was high last night and i watered my plant too much and it fell over as soon as the water hit. i put a stick in the soil (away from the roots) and propped the plant up on it. it is about 3 inches tall. put a whole tall shot glass of water on the soil
  2. bump..................
  3. if you can add an inch of soil to the top of container covering about an inch of stem...this will add support..water around the edges when its a sprout..also get a fan gently blowin' on it as this stregnthens its stem like wind in nature..easy on waterin'..force the roots to grow lookin' for water by lettin' the soil dry a little..good luck deacon:smoke:

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