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Did I get to high?

Discussion in 'General' started by Zonncedo420, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Last night I got so high that my vision started fading and I went blind a few times, and my ears were ringing really badly. Is this normal?
  2. No such thing as getting too high in my opinion. As long as you know that nothing is gonna happen to you, you are fine, just don't get too paranoid.
  3. wtf... went blind a few times? no, that's not normal.
  4. yeah that's normal you need to smoke more
  5. #5 dankness420, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    Probably smoked to much.  I just burnt 0.1grams and I am fucking great thanks for asking. :bongin: :bolt:
  6. It's normal for you.
  7. Sounds like low blood pressure.
  8. #8 Hashtag46n2, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    Uhhhh, did you see the joint and/or bowl before it was packed/loaded/rolled ?

    There is only one substance that causes those side effect..
    Which of course is not mentionable on GC.

    Sounds like there was something besides cannabis in there.

    Did you experience any numbing on your lips?
    If so, please describe more...

    And, yeah I'm doing ok, thanks for asking ;)
  9. Blind part maybe you where close to fainting, ears ringing probably low blood sugar or minor panic attack. I had a bad one like the third time I smoked, got faint, ears rang like hell and I thought It was never going to end.
  10. The general consensus here is...Maybe. :cool:
  11. No. Such. Thing.

    Means youre ready to move on to stronger things. Go get some hash boy
  12. There is totally such a thing as getting too high. If your high is unpleasant, then you might have gotten too high and should cut back a bit. 
    I assumed it was blood pressure but it could be sugar too. I passed out once from that, complete with loss of vision and ringing ears. Either way, I'm putting my money on cardiovascular.
  14. stop trying to kill ppl, lol.
  15. If it hasnt killed a single person ever, in its 10000 known years of use, I dont think my meddling is gonna change that.

    So dab from the bong
  16. Now that was a good read :laughing:

    Ive been to the otherside from eating Hash, ate 3 grams, it made me puke for hours, and had me tripping balls.

    Was pretty okay besides the puking and that I was convinced they were gonna call 911 and have me in a hospital trying to convince them it was food poisioning (what I told my dad and grandma, said I had too much greasy pizza, which wasnt entirely a lie).

    Slept like a baby when I was done puking though
  17. telling op he got laced weed and he's got cardiovascular problems smh.. he ain't dead, he's gonna wake up in 3 hours hungry enough to eat everything in his parents house.
  18. Speaking of food, the time I had that issue was when I didn't eat all day and smoked, so have a little snack and grab a bottle of water or whatever before you smoke m8.
    One is pointing out a potential and real health problem from personal experience and the other is fear mongering that rarely happens outside Africa and 3rd world countries. OP asked a question and got a serious answer.

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