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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by TexasStoner, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. I bought this green shit yesterday for 35$ for everything did I get rippedboff its really leafy and I don't think it was ready
  2. Did it have any orange/red hairs or tiny crystals on it? (The hairs are small, they don't mean its good weed, just if its ready to be smoked) and the crystals are how high you'll get.
  3. 35 bucks for green shit? You absolutely got ripped
  4. #4 bushsmokerkushsmoker, Oct 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2014
    ...All weed is green you mug :D... (Can't tell if your being sarcastic)
  5. this is just not a good question. All you said about the weed is that it is green.....pic? amount you bought maybe....
  6. dont be dumb
  7. This.
  8. #8 bushsmokerkushsmoker, Oct 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2014
    Sure you can get different strains, of which have different slight tints but its mainly green. Unless its shit bud then it may be brown or seeds and stems...but please tell me your not stupid enough to buy that. And not sure where you live in the outer universe Afex, where weed looks like rainbows :D
  9. Am I the only one who doesn't see a picture
  10. Yes, you got ripped off. If you ever feel like you got ripped off then you probably did. The thing is, you should know better than to buy something that doesn't look like a good deal (not trying to be mean). If you say "it was all I could find", then you didn't get ripped off because beggars can't be choosers.
    In the end the choice was yours and it sounds like you may have ripped yourself off. Learn to say no to bad deals and wait for the next nice batch to roll through. God knows this stuff isn't going anywhere anytime soon! Good luck next time. 
  11. It depends. Leafy stuff could still be good. Amount you received for $35 and a pic would help.
  12. I don't know how to post the picture first time posting
  13. Just wanted to post these pics, sorry

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1412890535.415283.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1412890545.500080.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1412890558.916090.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1412890585.431566.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1412890596.950388.jpg

    Mig 29 auto xchoppedx, pineapple punch photo, cream caramel fast version, sour diesel photo, super sonic crystal storm auto xchoppedx .
  14. I bought some of the stuff you talking about too way back in the past, It looks like there's no bud just leaf, and not compressed at all.
    I'm guessing you got around 3.5g to 4.5g for what you paid?
    Maybe a picture will help everyone give you a decent judgement.
  15. Looks like cold ass temps to me. (I think thats what causes color change. Correct me if im wrong). Found this on google. Not sure if real or photoshoped or what...

    Attached Files:

  16. Some plants are naturally purple, some are frozen and most arr photoshopped. To the OP if you think you got ripped off you did but if you checked it out and then bought it thats your problem. You could also try smoking it and decide based on your high and how long itll last you
  17. #17 GloriousZOMBiE, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    dude iv seen weed shit brown that came off a brick, so no it's not all green, also purple bud, blue and other wonderful colors. If you. Bought green weed then that's better then shit brown...
  18. not sure if i missed something, but....
    y no photo?
  19. But it still has green on it does it not? And he said its leafy and green, he isn't going to have some superdank bud lol
  20. Yes. And if it's all brown weed then its probably shit.

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