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Did I get ripped off, or did I do good?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by danny1337, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. I bought some marijuana from someone who I was told was a reputable guy, I would like to know how i did on this. I do not have a scale but the marijuana is pretty dense. 
    I was told that this was 4 grams of mid quality
    Coin in the image is an american dime


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  2. Looks totally compressed from being in a bag too long, which kinda makes it hard to judge the weight, but it looks like it MIGHT be 4 grams. I'd say you did good if you didn't spend over $30 for that.
  3. What did you pay?

    If you paid 100 pennys you did good.

    If you paid.100 dollars, you got ripped off.
  4. thats the shwagiest shwag.
    in other words, not very good quality weed, find someone else to buy from.
  5. Looks like schwag... Can be wrong though, it's time people realize it's not so easy to tell from potato pictures and without manipulating it.
  6. nah i can still tell its schwaggy schwag,
    if op paid any more than $20 for that he got ripped off, badly.
  7. Looks like mushed-up bush weed.
    You fucked up, son.
  8. #8 Mid man, Oct 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2014
    That's not 4 grams, I have some weed that is just as dense & a scale i'll post a pic soon (the difference is my weed has lots of trichomes & smells, but is also seedy and stemy) 
  9. It could definitely be 4 grams. I had some weed I thought was 2 grams. Put it on the scale, and it weighed out to over 4 or something.
    Anyway, the quality isn't that great at all, so if you paid more than $35 for that, you paid too much

    Happy toking!

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  10. Agreed, the weed in the picture looks like what I would pay like $15 for in the south
  11. #11 Stay_Blazed, Oct 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2014
    OP, looks like you got some brick weed. I hope you paid no more than 20$, sorry man time to get a new dealer.
  12. fuck outta here man you dont know its "just as dense" you arent touching the bud. quit acting like you really know
  13. oh sorry, forgot to post price. I payed 25 dollars
  14. Also, lighting is kinda bad. it is quite a bit greener actually
  15. sorry for the extremely blurry shot, but the camera on my phone is awful. its a small bud from what i bought, it shows the color a lot better.
    it also has some orange hairs, but they are a very dull orange.

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  16. fuck outta here man, it's all the same brick weed it actually all is just about the same density, that pic is around ~2 grams
  17. ditto :)

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  18. #18 enjoyandlive, Oct 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2014
  19. its not brick weed at all. check the new photo. damn you wanna sound smart
  20. looks bricked to me.,

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