Ok i bought a dub did the fucker rip me off or whut its pretty dense swag ok quality good smell not to strong like the usaual shit but here shit here the pic
Next time specify what you want in terms of weight. Clears up a lot of problems. As in "an eighth" a "henry" or "3.5 grams"
Oh Dam Naw its a Piece of An aplle and another Question im just moisterizing the swag its good quality swag tho nice orange hairs nd shit but then i want to make it more potent by puting it in a airtight cup like in the picture in a dark place for like 3 weeks make its better? and will it have that real strong smell?
Is this a real question? You can't make your bud any stronger. If it's shitty it's shitty, putting it in a dark place won't do anything
I would take that apple out immediately. Putting some lemon or orange peel shavings in help but a juicy slice of apple is just going to get shit all over your bud and make it too wet to smoke. I wouldn't even smoke the bud that's come into contact with the apple, it'd be like smoking sugar. Putting weed in an airtight container and letting it sit is called curing. It was most likely cured prior to you buying it and curing it longer isn't going to magically make it better bud, it'll just make it smoke better if it wasn't already properly cured.