I just bought vigorous all purpose plant food for vegging from Home Depot is this the right type of nutes note I'm on a low budget and this is all I could find the store was closing btw Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
The npk is fine for veg, but it appears to be time released which can cause problems. It is basicly nutes covered in a coating that dissolves in water. The trouble is, coating thickness varies so you have no real idea how much is released at one time and no real control to be able to adjust it as well. Water soluble or dry powder nutrients are preferable in my opinion. Most home depot stores stock epsoma organic feed, which are about all I will use from their selection of nutrients.
Alright thanks I'm gonna put a few mayb I'll put enough to where it's enough Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
It will work for veg but here is a little hint about nutes. Plan on the bag lasting 5 years. Over fertilizing gives people more problems then under-fertilizing. the 12-5-7 is veg for sure. bloom formula is more like 0-10-10