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Did I get a legit MFLB?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Psychographic, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. I was browsing though ebay the other day when I decided I wanted a Launch Box RIGHT NOW! I got it today and it doesn't have the the usual Love is... quote on the back which made me skeptical . I've got an email into MF, but I'm dying to try this thing out. (yup, I'm and 8 yr old in an old man's body). I was wondering if there's any experts that could tell me if they've ever seen this quote before, All choice is creative. The seller says it's a Hebrew quote.





    Think it's legit?
  2. #2 ManInDirt, Jun 21, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
    Looked on their homepage that is listed as one of their quotes.
  3. Its a vaporizer
  4. I'm not sure. I thought that all MFLB products said "Love is that which enables choice, Love is always stronger than fear, Always choose on the basis of love." It's the company motto. I've had 2 MFLBs(I have one currently, and one almost 10 years ago) that both had it on the back. That being said, literally everything else looks normal for a Monocle Launch Box. One of the things making me wonder is how different the font is from the quote on mine. The trench looks normal, but that's easy. If you call Magic Flight, they will run the serial number for you. But they don't recommend buying off of eBay, just because of how many counterfeits there are. Some are close enough that they can be modified to work just like a legit MFLB, and some are just too hot battery powered pipes.

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  5. I love how ridiculously obvious most of their quotes are, and like to imagine how much time they spend ruminating on "such deep stuff" lol. Of course all choice is creative ffs. A choice is a decision. A decision is a creation...

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  6. You should of used amazon bruh fuck eBay
  7. I just heard back from MF, it's the real deal. Thank you all for your replies.
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