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did I do the right thing?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by toke76, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. alright City, so I was visiting home for a weekend with my boy from school (he's from Florida) in Mass. and here weed is decriminalized so anything under an ounce is just a fine. anyways...

    my friends and I met up with some bud and went to a very common (for us) smoking spot in my (terribly) small town. neither of the kids there with cars wanted to smoke in their car, so we walked like 1/2 mile into this conservation area, which in Mass are off limits at 8. yeah, I know, stupid idea. so my boys and I are just enjoying some of Mother Earth's finest Grand Daddy Purp, when suddenly, for the first time in my experiences, both at this spot and all of smoking combined (6 years), a cop car drives up.

    my friends were gonna run but the cop was close enough to keep us from doing so without leaving behind all our shit. another cop pulls up right after. so these cops have us sit down and start questioning us in the usual manner (your name, your age, where you're from, what you were doing) so we're answering their questions other than what we were doing. so finally they start yelling and shit saying we were trespassing and there's no way we weren't smoking. so finally they tell us they're gonna charge us with trespassing and bring a K9 unit tomorrow (they threatened to do and have done it to my friends before) unless we confess to something.

    so here's my decision. I was carrying bud on me, as was one of my boys. I dropped most of mine (had 2 bags on me) pretty far away in a stagnant streamish thing as we saw a car coming, so I wouldn't have it on me. now, my mom is chill and let's me live as I choose, but my boy's parents have him locked down pretty bad, so I knew he'd be plenty fucked if they found out. so, at that point, I could've:

    A) denied everything, and almost definitely had these guys bring us in for the night, brought a K9, who could've very likely have found most of my green and my piece, leading to them fining me for that, fining my boy for his possession, and charging us all for trespassing on a state reserve.


    B) admitted, kept us from getting brought in, the cops won't call the K9, my green and piece will be safe, and they won't bother with pressing trespassing charges. BUT, we both still get fined with possession. which, when the fines get sent to his house, his parents will definitely find out and destroy him.

    so being stoned out of my head, I had was FREAKING out the entire time trying to think, I kept overthinking and forgetting obvious factors and just feeling completely pants-on-head retarded as I tried to think whether to confess before these cops get real pissed or not (mind you, I had gone well beyond normal perception at this point).

    so GC, I went with option B. the following sequence of events went exactly like that (his parents obviously didn't get the fines yet), and somewhere along the line my boy from school, who being from Florida clearly didn't know at all what the laws were like in Mass, tells me I pulled "a really dick move" on my other friend (the one carrying).

    my question to you, City, is "did I do the right thing?" I figured if I hadn't told, then we would've gotten brought in and all that shit would've gotten back to my friends parents with the quickness, my piece and weed would be gone, we'd all get charged with trespassing and we'd both get fined with possession.

    but because I did, his parents won't know until the fines get there (probably after the weekend), and he can tell his parents on his own terms before they get the charges on top of the fact that he smokes. and I can tell my mom as well cause I'll probably be back in school when she gets them. and, none of my friends get charged with trespassing. best possible scenario for everyone right? you tell me.
  2. Damn. That sucks man. So all that happened was you and your friend got sent fines right? I would have to say that is a great outcome. I would definitely try to smoke out the other kid plenty of times and explain you were trying to keep you all out of jail. Fines are ALWAYS!!!!!!! better than jail.
  3. why did you smoke in a conservation area? Couldnt you have smoked anywhere else in Mass since its decriminalized?

  4. bro i would be all over that. just sayin xD
  5. Dude of course it was the right thing, you had no decision in it at all, the buds made the decision for you. ;)
  6. shoulda went option a. they wouldnt have brought in K9 and if they even did, who says its your stuff? they had nothing but scare tactic there.

    oh well, now u gotta pay out the butt to the govt. american dream my friend lollllll
  7. Yea I'd go ahead and say option B was the WRONG option. Lol but hey it happens.

    Lol them bringing a k9 tomorrow!>!!!>!>@> That would have been awesome, you can just go back later that night and get it>!>!

    Or so what if they find something, it isn't yours. They have no proof. They had no proof. I honestly wouldn't have said anything, and just said why do you think we were smoking. I don't smell anything?

    Seriously, cops aren't as powerful as they claim to be. I mean they rely on you bugging out and making a scared decision. What is the worst that could happen if you keep your mouth shut? You get charged w/ something you def would have if you admitted?
  8. Wait, so did you tell the cops that the weed was in friend `B` pocket? If you did that, then thats pretty fucked up and i would punch you in the face and break your bowl and hopefully a few more of your bones for that. Not one of my friends would EVER do that , thats a pretty punk move and i would warn any people you meet in the future that your proned to snitch like a bitch so that they know not to be your friend.

  9. lol can you read?

  10. Well if I hadn't admitted we would've been brought in for trespassing, guaranteed. Then they would've brought dogs. There's 3 on-duty officers in my town, and one is always a K9, what else does that dog have to do? The cops in my area are fucking pricks and would've tried to get us for as much as possible. I'm pretty sure my boy from school didn't realize getting charged for trespassing is worse than getting fined for possession in Mass.

    My question now, is, could they have searched our persons if I hadn't admitted? We would have 100% guaranteed been brought to the station if we had stayed quiet for another minute. And once we're there they can search us right? So if I had gone with option A it would've been possession and more anyways.

    yeah I know it seems really stupid but in my area it's one of the best places to do it, we've NEVER had cops come there before. there's no nearby houses, buildings, anything. but somehow they knew beforehand cause two cars came together. who knows?

  11. Lol no dude I was carrying way more on me than he was and I had more in the woods (which has been safely recovered by my friends :D)

  12. tells me I pulled "a really dick move" on my other friend (the one carrying).

    He points out in his story that his friend ( the one carrying ). But he saves his own bowl and his own weed he already ditched. So what could he have possibly told the cops if his friend from school thought he ""dicked his friend over" but yet at the same time kept his own bowl and weed.........
  13. #13 toke76, Feb 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2010
    again, I had more on me than my friend PLUS the shit in the woods.
  14. Hmmmm...
    One point to the cops, they do this every time, threaten you with this and that. From personal experience option A every time deny, deny, deny.

    Yes, they can search your persons if you are trespassing, or doing anything illegal.

    Hey your young (it sounds like) throw some salt over your shoulder. And just remember the lesson you've learned.
  15. Why would he go with option A? They would have found the weed and charged with is that good? They would get the tickets/fines in any case, might as well not piss the cops off and just let them fuck you slightly instead of dry anal rape...
  16. fuck it dude, A would have been to much of a hassle to do. i wouldve gone with B especially since its decriminalized. just tell your boy to get the mail before his folks but if hes over 18 then his parents shouldnt be opening his mail in the first place.
  17. your an idiot dawg... oh and a bitch since basically u took your friend down with you. whos to say even if they brought da dawgs in that tey have proof its yours? i know 1 thing... if u were my friend u wouldnt be after that night... prolly catch u wit a couple hooks and tell ya see ya round bitch
  18. You're such a tough guy :rolleyes:

    So whose fucking weed would it be? They're the only ones there, they both have weed ON THEM. So everytime you get busted you just tell you don't know whose weed is in YOUR pocket? God damn such sound logic...

  19. id rather take a marijuana possession ticket than serve time in county for trespassing.

    last time i got a gov trespassing ticket i got 30 days in jail + the court fees.

  20. i found that if you make things difficult for cops then they are gonna make it difficult on you. he had it in his pocket once they cuff him on the trespassing charge they are going to find it and get in more trouble anyways.

    you sometimes gotta take what you can get.

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