Somebody just told me that Harper was able to pass some sort of bill that basically allows him to spy on us. I've been a little out of the loop maybe, but if this is true... Wtf. We can't let this shit happen.
As far as I know, it was *being considered* on the same exact day as the recent shooting. Not reactive, but proactive/preemptive.
A good excuse. They keep calling it a terrorist attack, but they are overhyping it to do this type of shit.
Yep, that seems to be the standard of conduct since ~9/11 (actually before, now that I think about). "This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector." – Plato
All you can do is expose the bullshit and be open about it. That's all you can do. I'm not a hacker, and I'm not on the inside of government. I can't infiltrate, I can only expose and abstain from bullshit (which is one of the highest priorities of my life).
I grew up around a lot of smart people, and to the majority, this all seems backwards. What we need is some sort of national platform to discuss these things intellectually. We need a movement away from this type of shit, to something more involving the common man in our policies and government. I've been saying it for a while, but I think the time to take some real action is coming close. I might start applying myself diligently to these ends soon.
It has to occur in the public sphere tbh. It can't be a war, it must be a new a paradigm that completely displaces the prior. One of the first problems is to create unbiased media that is easily accessible and trusted by all.
Movements can be subverted and dismantled. Collective problems won't be fixed by collective movements. People need to opt out of the system and turn off their tvs. They need to stop buying in and start ignoring the collective narrative. If your movement can be completely decentralized and not mischaracterized as extremist group or one of terrorists (good luck with that), then you still have to go up against the financial and military apparatus of the state. The best option is to buy out. Involving yourself and others in government will only legitimize their apparatus, and have an inverse effect of the intended cause. I honestly think alternative currencies and alternative media will be the solution. States have had control over the media since its inception and have had a monopoly on money creation as well. Once that changes, they will have to compete. Government hates competition, which is why it has to compel behavior and create fiat currencies in the first place. I think your intentions are good, but you have to be careful about how you carry on from now - an I can guarantee collective solutions will be squashed quickly.
People are very reactionary creatures. Politicians never allow a good opportunity to be wasted. Since were all collective idiots to calm the masses they tend to pass these things. Look at everything from gun control to whatever. Its always brought up after never before.
That is impossible as people are biased by nature. It also has to do with who people read, watch. If your rating suck or newspapers/mags sell poorly because you have a unbiased boring story no one watches. Loud inflammatory on either side then you sell.
As America does so Canada follows. My initial reaction when I heard was "terrorist" "brown dude" and "mass media attention". The fact that every hockey team in the area paid condolences and were lauded for their showing of respect automatically puts in question why this even happened. Along with that the dude came to ottawa when he could have done his passport application online??? And was rejected for a Libyan passport? And revoked of his Canadian one? How bout the instinctive patriotic response of "we will not be intimidated! " as if we were mid war... We're in dire need of a public forum for the average person to actually have a say
More people are buying into the truth. The millennials and the generation before them are increasingly disillusioned by the status quo and will only have more debt burden and social justice nagging and terrorism narratives pushed on them. I think now that there are so many outlets for real facts to be published it will pour out like a broken fire hydrant. Let's just hope internet censorship can never be implemented to any effect.
I don't know about inflammatory, that might occur naturally. Loud is what matters. If what's said is true, then saying it loudly means it can't be ignored.
Check out what the FCC is doing. Fellas over there are up to bad things. Social Justice is a crock of BS. Hopefully they do not buy off on to it.
What does Canada know about this? We are all top busy trying to maintaining a living. Life hasn't gotten easier. We've lost ourselves in maintaining and pursuing a goal funded by an unconcious ideal of consumerism. What Human feelings and experience dominate such a society. The experience is slavery towards a worthless end. Our joy, contentment and bliss; blossoms forth in making obstacles our great friends and loved adversaries. In brotherly cooperation we find happiness in pursuing progress in life, in all directions. What does our culture now reflect? Our language? Our art and music? Are we slave to animal passions or the heavenly natures of man, the angel wings of the human mind that conquers this world? Ww have become shy of becoming and being ouselves. The world has prodded us and produced pain in us and has forced us to behave not as us, as a defence in this world.