Did coke for the first time last night

Discussion in 'General' started by Stoooooner, May 21, 2006.

  1. coke is about 3 days as well.
  2. I did about a half gram. I had a great time though...it was probably pretty good stuff since I didn't do much yet felt great for hours.

  3. you know you've done to much coke when your nose clogs up and stops working and you can't breath through it anymore (happened to me a couple weekends ago)... you can never do to many lines trust me
  4. coke is great but don't abuse it.

  5. huh? coke clears your nose up
  6. coke can turn into a problem very fast.its one of those things that every one has to find out for themself.i went tru 60,000 cash,three cars,my marshall,les paul,jackson limited edition,foley handmade guitar,rack full of gear,51'big screen tv,36'trinitron,7 point surround,$5000 in grow supplies,$1000's of dollors worth of glass pipes,all my leather furniture,my dignity,and had to give my dogs away.
    that was 4 years agoand im never going back to that place when all i had to look forward to was death.
    fun is fun but dont let it take you to the curb...and dont start smokin that shit
  7. Coke = bad. fun at the moment, but comedown is horrible.

    smoke Kush
  8. cut shit probably but even with pure it clogs the nose up

    its dry water craving powder hitting wouldbe clear snot reserved for a runny nose

    soonre or later it all dries up bloody noses happen and you start blowing out full sized hunks of nasal tissue... not fun

    kosmic...please don't assume everyone is as weakwilled as you were

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